We must ensure that all orders are executed and all prohibitions are heeded without fail. We must resolutely punish all violations of discipline, ensuring that the Party’s disciplinary code and rules genuinely become a high-voltage line that nobody dares to touch, and preventing the emergence of “broken windows” in this regard. In line with the guiding principles of the Code, we need to review relevant rules and regulations, revising and supplementing existing regulations and formulating new ones where needed, so as to ensure that we have clearly defined guidelines for intraparty political norm and conduct. Party organizations at all levels should assume responsibility for the enforcement of discipline and rules. Oversight and accountability must be strengthened, and those responsible for lack of due diligence in this regard must be strictly held to account. On this basis, we will make continued efforts to impose strict, concrete, and stringent standards rather than loose, lax, and soft ones in the management of the Party.
Third, we need to exert the guiding role of official selection and appointment.
The way that officials are selected and appointed demonstrates whether intraparty political activities and conducts are healthy. Misconduct and corruption in this regard jeopardize political norm in a most severe manner, and adopting a correct approach to official appointment represents a fundamental means of tightening intraparty political activities. We should adhere to sound criteria for officials, judging them strictly by their political ideals, character, conduct, and integrity. On this basis, we should commend and put in key positions officials who are loyal, upright, responsible, pragmatic, industrious, and enterprising, who wholeheartedly serve the people, and who have done a splendid job, while marginalizing and disciplining those who feign compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them, curry favor, engage in falsification rather than solid work, and cultivate connections for promotion. Major efforts should be made to rectify misconduct in official selection and appointment, prevent the “bad money” from driving out the good, and create a clean environment for personnel appointment that helps to ensure political integrity. We also need to establish a sound framework of systems for strictly managing and overseeing officials, so that the management of officials is no longer considered to be less important than their appointment. At the same time, we should put in place mechanisms to permit and rectify mistakes, and strengthen positive incentives, so as to ensure that officials are motivated, industrious, and brave enough to assume responsibility.