

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-13来源:口译

  第一,抓好思想教育这个根本。“欲事立,须是心立。”加强思想教育和理论武装,是党内政治生活的首要任务,是保证全党步调一致的前提。毛泽东同志曾经指出: “掌握思想教育,是团结全党进行伟大政治斗争的中心环节。”党内政治生活出现这样那样的问题,根子还是一些党员、干部理想信念这个“压舱石”发生了动摇,世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”出现了松动。理想信念,源自坚守,成于磨砺。要坚持不懈强化理论武装,毫不放松加强党性教育,持之以恒加强道德教育,教育引导广大党员、干部筑牢信仰之基、补足精神之钙、把稳思想之舵,坚守真理、坚守正道、坚守原则、坚守规矩,明大德、严公德、守私德,重品行、正操守、养心性,做到以信念、人格、实干立身。

  First, we need to attach fundamental importance to political education.

  As an old Chinese saying goes, “An unwavering mind is essential to a successful undertaking.” Enhancing political education and better equipping Party members with theories represent the primary task of regulating and improving intraparty political behaviors and activities, and a precondition for ensuring the coordination of the entire Party. As Mao Zedong pointed out, “Political education is the key link to be grasped in uniting the whole Party for great political struggles.” The various problems that have emerged in our intraparty political activities are fundamentally attributable to the fact that some Party members and officials have wavered in their ideals, beliefs, worldview, outlook on life, and values. Ideals and beliefs are derived from persistence and established after being tempered through hardships. We should make persistent efforts to equip our Party members and officials with theories and to enhance Party spirit and moral education. We must guide them in reinforcing their beliefs, inner strength, and thoughts, and ensure that they uphold truth, keep to the correct path, follow principles and rules, uphold public and personal morals, and improve their character and conduct so that they establish themselves on the basis of beliefs, dignity, and diligence.


  Intraparty political behaviors and activities, the political environment, and political culture are mutually reinforcing. Political culture represents the soul of political conduct, and exerts an invisible, formative influence on the political environment. We should attach importance to the development of intraparty political culture, encourage loyalty, honesty, frankness, fairness, decency, down-to-earth practice, perseverance, and uprightness, and unequivocally oppose vulgar and depraved political cultures such as networking, “Thick Black Theory,” the art of officialdom, and hidden rules, in a sustained effort to lay down solid foundations for a sound political environment.


  Second, we need to attach key importance to strict discipline.

  As an old Chinese saying goes, “To check flatness and straightness, carpenters must use leveling instruments and ink markers; to check the accuracy of squares and circles, they must use squares and compasses.” Strict discipline represents an inherent requirement of and important guarantee for improving and regulating intraparty political behaviors and activities. We need to enhance institutional restrictions within the Party and build a sturdier institutional cage. Political discipline and political rules constitute the most fundamental and important disciplinary codes of the Party; the observance of political discipline and political rules is fundamental to the observance of all other forms of Party discipline. Party organizations at all levels and Party members should consciously abide by political discipline and political rules, and enhance political commitment, see the bigger picture, follow the core leadership of the Party, and stay aligned with the CPC Central Committee, ensuring that they always uphold the correct political beliefs, political stance, and political orientation.
