

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-13来源:口译
To implement the Code, it is essential that we effectively resolve outstanding problems in intraparty political behaviors and activities. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and of

  To implement the Code, it is essential that we effectively resolve outstanding problems in intraparty political behaviors and activities. Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and officials should ensure that their thoughts and actions comply with the Code. They should confront existing problems, acknowledge their own inadequacies, and strive to surmount deep-seated problems. On the one hand, we should strive to resolve outstanding problems of the kind that occur in large numbers and on a widespread basis, such as arbitrariness, dictatorial style, liberalism, and decentralism in work; going through the motions instead of doing the real work, excessive bureaucracy, over-spending and self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking and extravagance; abuse of power, embezzlement and bribery, moral degeneration, and violations of the law and codes of discipline; cases in which codes of discipline go ignored, the enforcement of discipline is lax, and violations of codes of discipline go unpunished; and lack of drive, lack of courage to take responsibility, incompetence, inertia, and nonfeasance. These problems are easily perceived by the public, and have clear boundaries. The focus of our efforts in this regard should be to intensify institutional restrictions. On the other hand, we should work to resolve problems that are highly political and have a devastating effect, such as refusal to maintain unity with the Central Committee on major issues or to uphold the Party’s political discipline and political rules; disloyalty, dishonesty, fake compliance, falsification, and duplicity in front of the Party; cronyism and favoritism for personal gains in personnel appointment, cultivating of connections for promotion, buying and selling of official posts, and rigging of elections by paying for votes; and formation of self-serving cliques and overinflated sense of political ambition. These problems are largely invisible and only manifest themselves at critical moments. The focus of our efforts in this regard should be to identify criteria, promptly crack down on typical cases, and create effective mechanisms against such behaviors.


  Intraparty political norm and conduct are complex in composition, and problems in this regard tend to vary in different localities, departments, and organizations. What we need is the courage to confront these problems and the capability to resolve them. Continued efforts should be made to resolve whatever problems arise, focus on whatever problem is difficult, and surmount whatever problem is outstanding. When dealing with these problems, we need to conduct comprehensive analysis and draw inferences from them, so as to ensure that all our measures and endeavors are conducive to improving and regulating intraparty political behaviors and activities and to purifying the political environment within our Party.

