On November 16, 2012, at the First Session of the Political Bureau of the 18th Central Committee, I said that we needed to set an example in observing the Party’s organizational principles and code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities, and in knowing the rules and following the code of discipline. On November 20 that year, I published an article in the People’s Daily entitled “Earnestly Studying and Strictly Observing the Party Constitution,” in which I emphasized the need to strictly implement all regulations on intraparty political activities provided in the Party Constitution, have the courage to uphold principles and conduct criticism and self-criticism, and take the lead in promoting healthy practices and opposing unhealthy ones.
On January 22, 2013, at the Second Plenary Session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), I stated, “To improve our work style, we need to purify the political environment and create a sound environment that is conducive to clean government.” On June 25, the Political Bureau convened a dedicated meeting to examine how the Central Committee’s eight-point code of conduct was being implemented, and to discuss and deliberate measures for further improving Party conduct. At that meeting I noted, “We demand that Party organizations at all levels, Party members and officials, and especially leading officials, observe the Party Constitution, act in line with the Party’s organizational principles and code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities, and subject themselves to the Party’s disciplinary restrictions in a conscious manner. No individual is allowed to place themselves above Party organizations, and members of the Political Bureau should lead by example in this regard.”
2014年,10月8日,我在党的群众路线教育实践活动总结大会上讲: “党内政治生活是党组织教育管理党员和党员进行党性锻炼的主要平台,从严治党必须从党内政治生活严起。有什么样的党内政治生活,就有什么样的党员、干部作风。”“从严治党,最根本的就是要使全党各级组织和全体党员、干部都按照党内政治生活准则和党的各项规定办事。”10月23日,我在党的十八届四中全会第二次全体会议上讲到党员、干部特别是领导干部要严守政治纪律和政治规矩时强调:“一些人无视党的政治纪律和政治规矩,为了自己的所谓仕途,为了自己的所谓影响力,搞任人唯亲、排斥异己的有之,搞团团伙伙、拉帮结派的有之,搞匿名诬告、制造谣言的有之,搞收买人心、拉动选票的有之,搞封官许愿、弹冠相庆的有之,搞自行其是、阳奉阴违的有之,搞尾大不掉、妄议中央的也有之,如此等等。有的人已经到了肆无忌惮、胆大妄为的地步!而这些问题往往没有引起一些地方和部门党组织的注意,发现了问题也没有上升到党纪国法高度来认识和处理。这是不对的,必须加以纠正。”这就是“七个有之”,我主要是从政治上讲的。
On October 8, 2014, at a meeting summarizing the campaign to study and practice the Party’s guiding principle of serving and relying on the people, I stated, “Intraparty political behaviors and activities represent a major platform where Party organizations educate and manage Party members and where Party members temper their Party spirit. To govern the Party with strict discipline, we must begin by strictly regulating its internal political behaviors and activities. The nature of such activities defines the conduct of our Party members and officials.” “The very essence of governing the Party with strict discipline is to ensure that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members and officials act in line with the code of conduct for intraparty political behaviors and activities and regulations of the Party.” On October 23, at the Second Full Assembly of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee, I required that Party members and officials, especially leading officials, strictly observe political discipline and political rules. I emphasized that, “Some officials have disregarded the Party’s political discipline and political rules. In a bid to enhance their so-called ‘official careers’ and ‘influence,’ there are those who have engaged in cronyism, discriminating against those who do not belong to their grouping; there are those who have formed self-serving cliques; there are those who have anonymously lodged false accusations and fabricated rumors; there are those who have engaged in popularity-courting and the rigging of elections; there are those who have promised others official posts and celebrated mutual appointments; there are those who have acted willfully and feigned compliance with policies while acting in opposition to them; and there are those who have overestimated their influence and made presumptuous comments on the decisions of the Central Committee. Some of these people have been utterly brazen and reckless. Nevertheless, these problems have often failed to capture the attention of Party organizations in some localities and departments. Even when discovered, they have seldom been treated and addressed as violations of Party discipline and state law. This is wrong and must be put right.” These are the “seven types of misconduct” I have mentioned, and they are predominantly political.