

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-13来源:口译
Following several years of efforts, we have made important progress in comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, integrity and conduct within our Party are improving, and so is the a

  Following several years of efforts, we have made important progress in comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline, integrity and conduct within our Party are improving, and so is the atmosphere in society as a whole. These changes are comprehensive, profound, far-reaching, and encouraging, and they have provided an enormous positive boost for the cause of the Party and the country. This shows that the CPC Central Committee’s strategic decision to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline is in every way correct and has won the support of the Party and the people.

  同时,我们也清醒认识到,我们党面临的执政环境是复杂的,党员队伍构成是复杂的,影响党的先进性、弱化党的纯洁性的因素也是复杂的,党内存在的一些深层次问题并没有得到根本解决,一些老问题反弹回潮的因素依然存在,还出现了一些新情况新问题。一些党员、干部对全面从严治党认识上不到位、思想上不适应、行动上不自觉。全党必须认识到,如果管党不力、治党不严,人民群众反映强烈的突出矛盾和问题得不到及时解决,我们党执政的基础就会动摇和瓦解;同样,如果我们让已经初步解决的问题反弹回潮、故态复发,那就会失信于民,我们党就会面临更大的危险。有问题并不可怕,可怕的是在问题面前束手无策,解决问题虎头蛇尾。正所谓“事辍者无功,耕怠者无获。”所以,全党 一定要保持战略定力,坚持严字当头、真管真严、敢管敢严、长管长严,把严的要求贯彻到管党治党全过程、落实到党的建设各方面。

  At the same time, however, we are clearly aware of the complexity of our Party’s governing environment, its composition, and factors that may undermine its advanced nature and purity. Some deep-rooted problems in our Party have yet to be fundamentally resolved; some old problems may still recur; and new situations and new problems have been encountered. In addition, some Party members and officials have yet to fully understand the need to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline, to adapt their thinking to this effort, and to act more consciously in this regard. The entire Party must be aware that if we do not manage our Party effectively and govern it with the necessary stringency, and if problems within our Party that the public feel most strongly about go unsolved, the foundations of our Party’s governance will be shaken and disintegrated; likewise, if we allow for the recurrence of problems that are beginning to be resolved, we will lose the people’s trust, and our Party will face even greater dangers. There is no need to be fearful of problems; what is really fearful is helplessness in dealing with them and inadequate efforts to resolve them. As an old saying goes, “Those who give up halfway will meet with no success, and those who slacken their efforts will realize no gain.” Therefore, the entire Party must maintain strong strategic resolve, give top priority to strict discipline in a genuine, brave, and constant effort to manage the Party, and integrate the requirement of strict discipline into all aspects of Party-building.


  At present, China is in the decisive phase of its push to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the Chinese nation is at a critical juncture in its drive towards renewal. China has entered the deep end of reform and a new normal of economic development, with various problems overlapping and risks mounting. Due to new changes in the world balance of power and profound adjustments in the world economy, China is confronted with a more complex and daunting international environment than before, as well as various obstacles and pitfalls on the road ahead. Under such domestic and international circumstances, if we are to gain the upper hand, seize the initiative, and win the future, it is essential that we make the Party even stronger, enabling it to bring together the people in an effective effort to respond to major challenges, withstand major risks, overcome major obstacles, and address major problems.
