problem Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions n. 问题 We must discuss the problem of how to protect the environment. n. 难题 What they did produced new problems with us. n. 习题 It took me an hour and a half to work out this problem in mathematics. 衍生词语 problematic (有问题的) 常见搭配 Useful Phrases 社会问题 --- social problems 日常问题 --- day-by-day problems 问题儿童 --- a problem child (a child who causes trouble) 澄清问题 --- to clear up problems 提出问题 --- to present a problem 惹麻烦 --- to cause problems 解决问题 --- to solve the problem 生活用语 Street Talks According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem. What’s the problem? Do you know? Johnny is a real problem child. A: What should I do? B: You figure it out yourself. It’s not my problem. 电影对白 Transcripts 句型 What’s your problem? 《阿甘正传》 No problem. 《阿甘正传》 If there is any problem, here’s the number of the pediatrician. 《西雅图夜未眠》 对话 Dr.Marsha: You don’t like the one he has now? Jonah: He doesn’t have one now. That’s the problem. 《西雅图夜未眠》第三节
road Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions n. [C] 道路 Where does this road lead? n. [C] 手段;方法 There is no royal road to learning. n. [C] 途中 Andy is on the road to Shanghai. road --- 车辆通过的大马路 street --- 两侧有建筑物、商店的市内道路 sidewalk --- 和车辆相对的人行道 path --- 仅供人走的小路 (公园) way --- 抽象意义的路 highway --- 高速公路 复合词语 railroad (铁路); road-block (路障); road tax (公路税) 常见搭配 Useful Phrases 交通路标 --- a road sign 死胡同 --- a dead-end road 关大道 --- a straight and easy road 乡间道路 --- a country road 平坦的道路 --- a level road 崎岖的道路 --- a rough road 迂回的路 --- a round-about road 交通规则 --- rule of the road 习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs hit the road ---上路 (get going) on the road --- 在路上奔波(由于职业的原因,如演员、运动员、销售员等。) 生活用语 Street Talks The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road. There are dangerous drivers like that one on the road. Smoking too much is a dead end road. (bad result) A: Hi Victor, you’ll fly to New York next Tuesday? B: Yeah, but I really hate this life of being onthe road all he time. A: Well, it’s time to go. B: OK. But Let’s have one for the first. (以此杯送行) A: It’s getting late. B: Yeah I suppose it’s time to hit the road 电影对白 Transcripts 句型 I decided to go for a little run so I ran to the end of the road. 《阿甘正传》 对话 Ben: Where is Elaine? Mrs. Robinson: I'll be with you in a moment, Benjamin. Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? Good. We have a burglar here. Just a second. I'll ask him. Are you armed? No—I don't believe he is. Thank you. Ben: What have you done to her? 《毕业生》 谚语 Proverbs All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。 There is a road from heart to heart.心心相印。 The road to hell is paved with good intentions.只有良好的动机而不付诸实践,徒遭埋怨或惩罚。第四节
shoe Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions n. 鞋 I put on / took off my shoes. n. 马蹄铁 The horse has cast a shoe. 皮鞋 --- leather shoes 正式皮鞋 --- dress shoes 雨鞋 --- rain shoes 帆布鞋 --- canvas shoes 高跟鞋 --- high-heeled shoes 厚底鞋 --- platform shoes 轻便鞋 --- walking shoes 运动鞋 --- gym shoes (sneaker) 复合词语 shoemaker (鞋匠); shoestring/shoelace (鞋带); 常见搭配 Useful Phrases 穿鞋 ---to put on/wear one’s shoes 脱鞋 --- to take off one’s shoes 补鞋 --- to repair shoes 刷鞋 --- to push up one’s shoes 擦鞋 --- to polish shoes (or shoe shine) 习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs put oneself in somebody’s shoes --- 站在别人的角度/立场上 have a shoe in sth --- 先占上一席之地(在某行业中) fill sb’s shoes --- 出色地接替某人的工作、职务 step into sb’s shoes --- 接替某人 生活用语 Street Talks(责任编辑:admin)