

<< 返回真题模拟 2015-05-07来源:口译

  参考答案: The Purchasing Managers Index of China's non-manufacturing sector was 55.5 percent in October, up 1.8 percentage points from September, an official survey showed on Saturday.
  参考答案: According to China’s weather bureau, a cold wave is hitting the northern parts of China these days, bringing snow to Inner Mongolia.
  3. 中国互联网搜索引擎公司和政府资助的贸易集团星期四同意遵守共同行为准则,以减缓因日益增加的竞争带来的紧张局势。
  参考答案:China's Internet search companies and a government-sponsored trade group agreed to a code of conduct on Thursday to moderate tensions in increasing competition.
  参考答案:A new study by NASA & the UK's Royal Astronomical Society suggests that having the right kind of asteroid belt in a solar system could be essential to finding intelligent life in the universe.
  参考答案:A U.S. citizen in Houston will receive 3.1 million U.S. dollars for 17 years he spent in prison wrongfully convicted of kidnapping and rape, local media reported Friday.
  6. 加拿大政府星期五表示,还需要30天来审查中国海洋石油有限公司收购石油和天然气生产公司尼克森的项目。
  参考答案: The Canadian government said Friday it needs another 30 days to review China National Offshore Oil Corporation Limited’s takeover bid of oil and gas producer Nexen Inc.
  参考答案: Portugal's annual revenues related to tourism will exceed 8 billion euros in 2013 despite the country's debt crisis, Portuguese authorities said on Friday.
  1. The month of courtship had wasted: its very last hours were being numbered. There was no putting off the day that advanced- the bridal day; and all preparations for its arrival were complete.
  参考答案: 一个月的求婚期过去了,只剩下了最后几个小时。结婚的日子已经临近,不会推迟。一切准备工作也已就绪。
  2.The event of last night again recurred to me. I interpreted it as a warning of disaster. I feared my hopes were too bright to be realised.
  参考答案: 我不由得想起了昨晚的一幕,我把它理解成是灾祸的预兆。我担心自己的希望过于光明而不可能实现。
  3.He saw me; for the moon had opened a blue field in the sky, and rode in it watery bright: he took his hat off, and waved it round his head. I now ran to meet him.
  参考答案: 他看见了我,因为月亮在空中开辟了一条蓝色的光带,在光带中飘移,晶莹透亮。他摘下帽子,在头顶挥动,我迎着他跑上去。
  4.I obeyed: joy made me agile: I sprang up before him. A hearty kissing I got for a welcome, and some boastful triumph.
  参考答案: 我照他说的做了。心里一高兴身子也灵活了,我跳上马坐到他前面。他使劲吻我,表示对我的欢迎,随后又自鸣得意地吹了一番。
  5.'I cannot see my prospects clearly to-night, sir; and I hardly know what thoughts I have in my head. Everything in life seems unreal.'
  参考答案: “今晚我看不清自己的前景,先生。而且我几乎不知道脑子里想些什么?生活中的一切似乎都是虚幻的。”
  6.'Well, I cannot return to the house,' I thought; 'I cannot sit by the fireside, while he is abroad in inclement weather: better tire my limbs than strain my heart.
  参考答案: “是呀,我不能回屋去,”我思忖道,“我不能安坐在火炉边,而他却风风雨雨在外面闯荡。与其忧心如焚,不如脚头劳累一些。
  7.I set out; I walked fast, but not far: ere I had measured a quarter of a mile, I heard the tramp of hoofs; a horseman came on, full gallop.
