放松银根Ease monetary policy
非关税贸易壁垒Nontariff trade barriers
跟单信用证Documentary credit
关税升级Tariff escalation
规模不经济Diseconomy of scale
互购贸易Counter purchase
汇率波动的官定上下限Official upper and lower limits of fluctuation
货运代理Feight forwarder
经济贸易纽带Economic and trade ties
贸易顺差Favorable balance of trade
贸易条件恶化Worsening terms of trade
赊账贸易Open account trade
贴现行情Discount quotation
特约总经销master franchise
验收inspection and acceptance
资金倒流negative net flow of financial resources
自主自愿,协商一致。灵活渐进voluntarism, consensus, flexibility and gradual progress
最惠国待遇Most Favored Nation(MFN)treatment
层层转包和违法分包multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting
炒汇speculate in foreign currency
防范和化解金融风险prevent or defuse financial risk; to guard against and reduce financial risk
经济渗透economic infiltration
龙头产品lagship product
扭亏为盈to show a turn from loss to profit; make up deficits and increase surpluses
招商投标制the tender system