Burst into tears silently潸然泪下 burst into laugh silently 哑然失笑
burst into laughing from his lips噗嗤一声笑了出来
Wind rattled the window风吹得窗户咣当咣当响
The rattle of gunfire轰隆轰隆的炮火声
From the kitchen came a rattling of cups and saucers. 从厨房传来丁丁当当杯盘相碰的声音
She flopped into sofa with his hands covering his face, burst into tears.他一屁股坐进沙发里,双手掩面,潸然泪下
On the spur of the moment: suddenly, without planning in advance一时冲动之下,心血来潮
I phoned him up on the spur of the moment.我一时冲动,给他打了电话
A spur-of-time decision 心血来潮的决定
He walked around the house with a gun.他手掂把枪,房子里瞎转悠
Alien from outer space天外来客
Mimic- in an amusing way copy-available imitate-quite serious
He may fail his exams. I can tell from his miserable face愁容
艳若桃李: red face ? 冷若冰霜 as cold as ice
Hollow cheeks 双颊干瘪 red lips 樱桃小口 back bent 弓腰驼背
Ravishing creature 尤物
ravishing: adj. Extremely beautiful (=gorgeous) A ravishing blonde/dress/smile
the making of a nation一个民族的诞生
she is making her figure. 她日渐成熟,亭亭玉立
亮相 strike a pose on the stage/ the last pose
Transferring (=understanding/explanation) the meaning into this version made all of us confused.