

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-10-07来源:口译
  按劳分配的原则 Principle of distribution to each according to his work
  按年分期付款 Yearly installments
  按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws
  按照客观经济规律办事 act in accordance with objective? economic laws
  按照事物本来面貌 take things as they really are
  按质论价 Price products according to quality
  案件不受理 dismissal of a legal case/ nonacceptance of a legal case
  案件当事人 party to a case/party to a law suit
  案情 details of a case /facts of a case
  食用色素 Food colourants
  爱国主义教育基地 site for patriotic education/site rich in patriotic significance
  爱面子 be concerned with face-saving
  爱心工程 Love Care Project
  爱婴医院 Baby friendly hospital
  爱憎分明 be clear about what to love and what to hate
  气候学 Climatology
  细胞学 Cytology
  内分泌学 Endocrinology
  流行病学 Epidemiology
  药理学,药物学 Pharmacology
  生理学 physiology
  谱学 Spectroscopy
  毒理学 Toxicology
  兽医学 Veterinary medicine
  病毒学 Virology
  人体病理学 Human pathology
  报关口岸 port of entry
  抱残守缺 hang on to what's outmoded
  北京通 old Beijing hand
  北京外交人员服务局 Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau
