

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-10-11来源:口译


  网络经济 Internet-based networked economy

  中国民声银行 China Minsheng Banking Corporation Ltd.

  中信实业银行 CITIC Industrial Bank

  汇丰银行 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HKSBC)

  futures-physical ratio 期货-现货比率

  sales on a commission basis 代销

  gross margin on sales 市场毛利

  lackluster sales 销售平淡

  brisk trading 交投活跃

  export goods withdrawn for sale on home market 出口转内销商品

  parity rate 比价

  transit cargo 过境货物

  transshipment cargo 转运货物

  debenture 退税凭单

  preferential tariff 特惠税则

  articles to be declared 应申报物品

  tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免

  preferential tariff treatment 关税优惠

  anti-dumping duty 反倾销税

  duty appraiser 海关估税员

  报盘以最后确认为准To offer subject to the final confirmation

  承保单Cover note

  出口经营自主权Autonomy over export trade and operations

  催税单Tax demand

  多式联运单证Multi-modal transport document
