

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-10-11来源:口译


  business econometrics 计量经济学

  operational research 运筹学

  contingency theory 权变理论

  cybernetics 控制论

  probability 概率性模型

  geocentricism 全球中心方式

  feasibility study 可行性研究

  disclosure 披露

  full-disclosure 充分揭示

  generally accepted auditing standards 一般审计原则

  statement 表


  allowance for doubtful 坏帐备抵

  merchandise inventory 商品库存

  accumulated depreciation 累积折旧

  deferred asset 递延资产

  intangible asset 无形资产

  fully funded 资金到位

  have sufficient funds 资金宽裕

  fund utilization 资金利用率

  inancial disintermediation 资金体外循环

  mortgage payable 应付抵押款

  dividends payable 应付股息

  retained earnings 留存收益

  treasury stock 库藏股

  withdraw funds 撤资

  限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time

  国家级生态示范区(珠海) Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region

  国家级园林城市 Nationally Designated Garden City Environmental Concern

