

<< 返回考试经验 2015-07-06来源:口译
  1. 坚定不移地/毫不动摇地
  常见说法有unswervingly, unwaveringly, firmly, steadfastly
  ① 我们要坚定不移地维护民族团结,进一步构建平等、团结、互助、和谐的社会主义民族关系。We will unswervingly uphold national unity and further develop socialist ethnic relations based on equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony.
  ② 坚持把推进经济结构调整和自主创新作为转变发展方式的主攻方向,变压力为动力,坚定不移地保护和发展先进生产力,淘汰落后产能,整合生产要素,拓展发展空间,实现保增长和调结构、增效益相统一,增强国民经济整体素质和发展后劲。In changing the pattern of development, we will continue to focus on economic restructuring and independent innovation. We will turn pressure into impetus for growth, unwaveringly protect and develop advanced productive forces, shut down backward production facilities, integrate factors of production and create more room for development. We will balance our efforts to sustain economic growth, adjust the structure and improve economic performance to raise the overall quality of the national economy and strengthen the basis for its further development.
  ③ 各级政府要坚定不移地把解决“三农”问题放在突出位置,巩固和加强农业基础地位。Governments at all levels shall steadfastly give priority to solving the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers and consolidating the position of agriculture as the foundation of the national economy
  2. 认真地
  可用的说法有seriously, earnestly, conscientiously, carefully
  ①我们要认真贯彻党的侨务政策。We will earnestly implement the Party's policy on overseas Chinese affairs.
  ②我们要加强和改善与发达国家的经贸关系,深化与发展中国家的互利合作,认真落实中非务实合作八项新举措。We will strengthen and improve business ties with developed countries, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other developing countries, and conscientiously implement the eight new policy measures for China's pragmatic cooperation with African countries.
  ③华南理工大学对实验课的分数要求极为严格,一般只有10%不到的学生能够达到良好,而我所有的实验、实践课成绩均在良好以上,这与我每次实验我总是认真准备、严格操作、不放过任何问题的态度是密不可分的。Because NUAA’s requirements on experimental courses have always been very strict, usually less than 10 percent of students reach the grade of “Fairly Good”. But my grade for all experiments and experimental courses were always “Fairly Good” or above, which was in a large part because I always carefully prepared for and strictly conducted every experiment, not overlooking any problem.
  3. 始终不渝地/始终如一地/一贯地
  常见说法有steadfastly, consistently
  ①要始终不渝地深化改革开放,不断完善有利于科学发展的体制机制。We will steadfastly deepen reform and opening up, and constantly improving institutions and mechanisms conducive to developing scientifically.
  ②公司一贯非常重视质量工作。The company has consistently paid attention to quality.
  ③我们始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。We have consistently pursued an independent foreign policy of peace.
