
2015年复习资料:China Daily常见热词翻译(7)(2)

<< 返回复习资料 2014-08-05来源:口译
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware 课间操 exercise between classes 可见度 visibility 科教片 science education film 科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and educ

  课件(教师多媒体教学演示片) courseware
  课间操 exercise between classes
  可见度 visibility
  科教片 science education film
  科教兴国 rejuvenate our country through secience and education
  克扣 dock wages
  客流量 volume of commuters; passenger volume
  刻录机 CD writer; disc-carving machine
  科普 dissemination of science
  科普活动 activity to popularize scientific knowledge
  可视电传 visual fax
  可视电话 videotelephone
  (补贴协议)可诉补贴 actionable subsidy
  可塑炸弹 plastique
  磕头 kowtow
  客席指挥 guest conductor
  可星 strong opponent; powerful remedy
  可行性研究 feasibility study
  科研攻关 work towards key technological breakthroughs
  可用收入 disposable income
  客运 passenger transport
  可再生资源 regenerative resources
  可转换债券 convertible bond
  客座教授 guest professor
  科教兴国战略 strategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education
  克隆人 human cloning
  恳谈 have a frank discussion
  坑口电站 pit-mouth power plant
  恪守职业道德 observe professional ethics
  恐怖大亨 terrorist mastermind
  恐怖分子 terrorist
  恐怖片 horror film
  恐怖事件 terrorist incident
  控股公司 holding company, controlling company
  空间病 space sickness; space syndrome
  空间垃圾 space junk
  空间站 space station
  空降部队 paratroops
  空难 air crash
  空气污染 air pollution
  空气污染物 air pollutants
  空气浴 air bath-a method of health protection by exposing the body to fresh air
  空勤 air duty
  空嫂 married airline stewardess
  空头市场 bear market
  空头司令 leading cadre estranged from the people
  空头政治 phony politics
  空头支票 1. unconvertible cheque; blank check 2. empty promise; unfulfilled promise
  控制人口数量 control the population size
  空中巴士客车、空中客车 Airbus plane
  空中教育 education through broadcast media
  空中楼阁 castle in the air; daydream; ivory tower
  空中小姐 air hostess; air stewardess
  空中走廊 air corridor; air lane
  空降师 airborne division
  空中交通管理 air traffic control
  空中信号灯 sky beamer
  扣帽子 put a label on
  口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
  口头禅 pet phrase
  酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest
  苦果 bitter fruit——something unpleasant as a result of some action
  哭穷 complain about impoverishment;pretend to be poor
  枯水季节 dry season
  跨国公司 transnational corporation
  跨境婚姻 cross-country marriage; marriage of a native with a foreigner
  跨境交付(服务贸易) cross border supply
  跨领域问题 cross-border issue
  跨世纪 cross-century; trans-century
  跨世纪的一代 a generation of people who span the two centuries
  跨世纪工程 a trans-century project
  跨世纪绿色工程规划  trans-century green engineering program
  跨业公司 conglomerate company
  扩大直接融资 expand the scope of direct financing
  跨国恐怖组织 transnational terrorist groups
  快餐 fast food; MRE (meals ready to eat)
  快递 express delivery
  会计电算化 accounting computerization
  快镜头 quick motion
  快速反应部队 rapid response force
  快速立法 fast track
  快速通道 fast track
  快速消费品 fast-moving consumer goods
  快讯 news flash; flash
  快译通 electronic dictionary
  宽带(ADSL技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL(Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
  宽带接入 broadband access
  宽带接入网 broadband access network
  宽带网 broadband networks
  宽限期 grace period
  矿井瓦斯 mine gas
  匡算 rough estimate
  矿物肥料 mineral fertilizer
  矿源 mineral resources
  跨越式发展 great-leap-forward development
  亏本生意 losing proposition
  亏损 loss; deficit
  亏损包干 loss contract system
  亏损企业 enterprises running in the red/under deficit
  困难职工 the needy worker
