

<< 返回考试心得 2012-10-30来源:口译
莫高窟—中国最古老的佛教圣地,坐落在敦煌东南25公里处位于三危山和鸣沙山之间的一个河谷。据一幅唐石刻所载,此处的石刻始于公元360年。 当时一位名叫乐僧的和尚经过该地,看



Mogao Grottoes – the oldest Buddhist Holy Land of China – is located in a river valley between the Sanwei and Mingsha hills 25 kilometers away from southeastern Dunhuang. As recorded in a stone inscription of the Tang Dynasty, stones were first carved here around 360 AD.

At that time, a monk named Le Seng passed through the place and saw the scene of 1,000 golden Buddhas. One thousand years later, hundreds of caves were carved on the precipitous sand and rock cliff. All of them took shape of beehives linked by plank roads and ladders.
