With the merging of Shanghai Housing and Land Resources Administration and Shanghai Residential Housing Development Administration, various authorities in the housing and land resources sector made remarkable progress in erecting the real estate industry as the city‘s economic backbone, improving the living conditions of local inhabitants, restructuring and developing the real estate industry, successfully completing the preset goals for the year 2003.
1.(The government) covered 1.25 million square meters of residential quarters, which otherwise were uncovered with property management.
2. Solutions were given to 1.25 million square meters of residential quarters, which otherwise were uncovered with property management.
3. The residential quarters where property management resumed covered an area of 1.25 million square meters.
give land for agricultural use to cater to the demands of urban development
184 pieces of land were bidden for commercial use
The city actively promoted the open bidding system for the use of land and strictly controlled the proportion of bid-winners among bidders.
with the housing estate formal completion of 257.5
2003 年,集团通过新闻通气会、组织洽谈、上门推介、举办“2003年上海电气国企改制引资引智产权交易洽谈会”等形式,向社会公众披露百余项国有企业改制项目,资产总量达80余亿元产权交易的信息,其范围涉及电站、输配电、通用石化机械、机床机械、工程动力机械、重型机械、家用电器、机械基础件等诸多行业。
Propel the Reform of the State-owned Enterprise
In 2003, Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation disclosed over one hundred programs of state-owned enterprise restructuring by holding press conferences, initiating trade talks, actively promoting these programs to interest parties and holding the “Talk of Property Rights Transaction and Investment and Talent Attraction in the Restructuring Process of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation as a State-owned Enterprise 2003 ”。 These disclosed restructuring programs, involving an amount of property rights transactions of over RMB 8 billion, covered a spectrum of sectors including power station, power transmission and distribution, general-purpose petrochemical machinery, machine tool machinery, power-driven engineering machinery, heavy machinery, household appliances and basic machinery parts.