

<< 返回考试心得 2012-12-13来源:口译
离退休人员养老金 pensions to retired employees 理顺税、费、价三者关系 straighten out the relationships among taxes, charges and prices 厉行节约 practice economy

离退休人员养老金 pensions to retired employees

理顺税、费、价三者关系 straighten out the relationships among taxes, charges and prices

厉行节约 practice economy

粮食流通体制改革 reform of the grain distribution system

粮食市场的宏观调控能力 the state‘s capacity for macro-control of the grain market

粮食政策性补贴 policy-related grain subsidies

两大历史性课题(提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力)the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.

林区 forested areas

零基预算制度 a zero-base budgeting system

漏征漏管户 tax dodgers

面对严峻挑战 meet the serious challenge

民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups

名优产品 famous brand high-quality products

牟取暴利price hikes for exorbitant profits

年度国家预算annual State budge
