

<< 返回时讯翻译 2015-02-06来源:口译

  But there are some changes taking place. Mechanisms such as a potential trilateral FTAbetween China, Japan and South Korea; the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic CooperationProgram; and the Greater Tumen Initiative could enhance connectivity, competitiveness and asense of community of the respective member states in the region. Others such as theASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) and the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralism(CMIM) could help the region avoid and respond better to any future crises.
  Stronger regional integration can make a difference to global governance. The global financialcrisis in 2008 created the space for the G20 grouping to take more responsibility forgovernance from the G7, and the G20 includes five countries from Asia. As part of the G20,these countries could make a real difference if they were more integrated. Indeed, China’shosting of this year’s APEC Summit is a testament to the country’s role as a committedpartner in both the regional and global trade and investment dialogue.
  Global economic governance is also closely linked to the institutional framework and itsfunctioning. Today, global financial governance is managed by the International Monetary Fund,the Bank for International Settlements and the Financial Stability Board, on which developingcountries lack an adequate representation. At the same time, in this context, new institutionsare being created and it will be important for us to discuss how the international communityshould relate to the New Development Bank and Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, and howthese can be shaped to simultaneously support regional growth and global growth.
  Through its significant and increasing assistance, trade and investments, China is playing animportant role in the development of other countries. For example and as highlighted in therecently released White Paper on Foreign Aid, projects to various African countries cover a widearray of fields including agriculture, education, transportation, energy, communications, andhealth. However, the perceptions about China’s aid and China’s overall role in the world can bevery different. For China’s to play a greater role and be better understood, it would be ofinterest to discuss if there is more that can be done, for example by leveraging opportunitiessuch as the China Africa Forum for Cooperation (FOCAC).
