Your Excellency Mr. Zeng Peiyan, Chairman ofCCIEE,Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me first thank CCIEE for the invitation to speakat this second Global Governance Forum. It is verytimely that we have convened in Beijing today todiscuss economic aspects of global governance,especially with a focus on sustainable financing. Theattention given to development finance in the on-going discussions on the global developmentagenda reflects the changing realities of global development. The current discussions on thepost-2015 agenda, in particular the inter-governmental process, have highlighted a numberof issues that will be crucial for the international community to shape and agree on both thenew global development agenda and a new global economic governance. This includesdefining how the concept of “Common but Differentiated Responsibilities” (CBDR) works inpractice alongside the concept of “universality” in pursuing development goals and efforts.This also includes clarifying the relationship between the ODA commitment of developedcountries and alternative sources of financing – domestic and international, public, privateand blended, and ensure that the sources of financing, including the very significant globalsavings, move towards sustainable development. Finance is required for sustainabledevelopment, yet this move is not happening.
The key to be successful is creating the right global structure and rules to channeling thesesavings towards sustainable development – in other words, the right “means ofimplementation” as it is known in UN circles. Means of implementation has been recognizedas the crux of discussions for the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015Development Agenda. It includes finance, but also non-financial policies including trade (e.g.duty-free access), rules and practice around sharing of technology, responsible businessguidelines, and the capacity building and movement of people. This inclusion and theapproach followed by different countries should be in an important point of the discussions atthe Forum and they will directly impact on global economic governance.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is also particularly timely that this Forum will discuss what role China, and more broadly Asiacan play to support global development, through its own growth and also by actively helpingothers. As the most dynamic region in the world with several emerging countries, the Asia-Pacific region has huge potential to positively contribute to governance at the global level.However, and while in the last two decades there have been several new Asian institutionscreated to promote integration, there is still much work to be done in order to truly progressin region-wide integration and maximize the synergy among the countries in the region.Growth is still largely dependent on demand from outside, and the outcome of bilateral FTAsamong Asian countries is unclear.