中国驻尼泊尔大使杨厚兰与尼青年领导人互动活动时的讲话 Ambassador Yang Houlan's Address at the Interaction Programme with Nepalese Youth Political Leaders
Kathmandu, August 12, 2011尊敬的尼中青年友好协会主席鲍德尔先生,
所有今天出席的协会领导, 女士们、先生们、朋友们: Respectable Mr. Prakash Babu Paudel, President of Nepal-China Friendship Youth Association, Leaders of all the youth organizations present today, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,大家好!
Good afternoon.感谢尼中青年友协的邀请,能够让我有这次宝贵的机会,与尼泊尔青年政治领导人进行面对面的交流。
It is my great pleasure to have this opportunity to attend this interaction programme by the invitation of Nepal-China Friendship Youth Association, and communicate with young political leaders of Nepal face to face.中尼两国比邻而居、山水相连;中尼人民亲如兄弟、同舟共济。回顾历史,中国的高僧法显、玄奘,尼泊尔的尺尊公主、阿尼哥给我们留下了友谊的丰碑,成为流芳百世的友好使者。两国建交56年来,患难与共、风雨同舟,建立起世代友好的全面合作伙伴关系。我们两国先辈共同缔造和精心培育的传统友谊,是中尼关系历久弥坚、蓬勃发展的不竭动力和宝贵财富,也是中尼友好在新时期薪火相传、发扬光大的坚实基础。
China and Nepal are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers. People of our two countries are like pothers who stand for each other for all time. Looking back, Fa Xian and Xuan Zang, master monks of ancient China, Princess Bhrikuti of Nepal and the architect Arniko were great messengers of our friendship, who leaves milestones in the history of China-Nepal relations. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Nepal in 1955, we have gone together through thick and thin, stood together through storm and stress during the past 56 years and China-Nepal Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation featuring everlasting friendship has been established. The traditional friendship created and nurtured by our forefathers is valued as driving force to further develop and strengthen the relationship between China and Nepal, and provides the solid foundation to extend the goodwill feelings of both peoples to each other.青年代表着世界的未来,而中尼青年友好组织则是两国传统友好的传承者、建设者。当我看到这么多尼泊尔青年政治家参加中尼友协活动,致力于传承两国友好,心中充满着对中尼友好未来的憧憬。
In the hands of young people lies the future of the world. Youth associations in China and Nepal, therefore, are endowed with the mission to inherit and promote the existing traditional friendship between our two countries. It gives me the vision of a pight future concerning the friendly relations between us to see so many young Nepalese politicians who are interested in the activities of friendship organizations of China and Nepal and dedicate themselves to the development of our friendship.正是着眼于世代友好,中尼两国都高度重视青年交流,着力加强青年之间的友好往来和相互学习,不断增进相互了解和理解,让两国青年一代更加相知相近相亲,让中尼传统友谊更加深入人心。
Bearing in mind the idea to maintain our everlasting friendship, both China and Nepal attach great importance to youth exchange, with the focus on the friendly visits and mutual learning between young people of the two countries. In this way, mutual understanding and friendly feelings between our young generations can be enhanced, and the hearts of our two peoples will be closer.中国政府每年向尼提供 100多个政府奖学金名额,自两国建交以来已有近2700名尼泊尔留学生赴华攻读学士、硕士和博士学位,越来越多的中国留学生来到尼泊尔学习语言和文化。加德满都大学孔子学院创办四年来,不断发展壮大,现已在加德满都、博克拉、蓝毗尼、奇达旺等多地开设了分门别类的中文教学班,培训学生达3000多名。目前,58名中文教师志愿者和7名公派教师分布在尼泊尔境内50多所学校、教学机构。自1999年中国在奇达旺援建柯伊拉腊纪念肿瘤医院以来,已先后有六批近百名年轻中国医生驻院工作。
At present, Chinese government provides more than 100 quotas of Chinese scholarship to Nepalese students every year. Since the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 1955, there have been about 2700 Nepalese students who went to China to study for bachelor, master and doctor’s degree. In recent years, more and more Chinese students choose to come to Nepal to study Nepalese language and culture. The Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University, which was established 4 years ago, has grown into a strong institution providing different kinds of Chinese classes all over Nepal including Kathmandu, Pokhara, Lumbini and Chitwan with more than 3000 students. Meanwhile, 58 volunteer teachers and 7 professional teachers are teaching Chinese language and culture in more than 50 schools and institutions. Since 1999, there has been 6 groups, about 100 young Chinese doctors who have worked in the B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, which Chinese government helped to establish in Chitwan.(责任编辑:admin)