

<< 返回考试资料 2012-09-24来源:口译
Sizzling hot summer weather has arrived in South Korea, but the early summer rains have yet to come. According to the Korea Metrological Administration, rainfall since the beginning of May has been the lowest since 1908. 韩国现在已酷暑

Sizzling hot summer weather has arrived in South Korea, but the early summer rains have yet to come. According to the Korea Metrological Administration, rainfall since the beginning of May has been the lowest since 1908.

  韩国现在已酷暑难当,但初夏的梅雨却没有如约而至。据韩国气象厅(Korea Metrological Administration)说,韩国今年5月初以来的降雨量创下1908年以来的同期最低水平。

  The prolonged dry spell has prompted the government to set up a disaster relief center to coordinate responses and set aside 7 billion won for drought-relief efforts.


  Provincial governments in many parts of the country have been drilling wells and supplying residents with drinking and agricultural water. As of Tuesday, about 80% of the country was rated at the most extreme drought level.


  "Since May, the worst drought in a century has persisted and heat wave warnings have been sent out as well. Many people, including farmers, are having difficulties" said Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik during a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, "The government is worried about possible fallout, such as price hikes for produce and reduced water supply."

  韩国国务总理金口植(Kim Hwang-sik)在周二的内阁会议上说,自5月以来,韩国遭遇了百年一遇的旱灾,有关部门不断发出热浪警告,包括农民在内的很多人都遭遇了困难。他说,旱情可能导致农产品价格上涨和供水量减少等情况出现,政府对此感到担心。

  After the meeting, Mr. Kim visited one of the hardest hit regions in his second such visit less than a week. Last Thursday he visited Hongseong, a mid-western farming city, where rainfall since May is only about 11% that of last year. Reservoirs have also dried up the city's water reserves are less than 15%, causing concern for the region's farmers.


  Seoul's rainfall from May 1 to June 24 was 10.6 mm, only around 7% of the total in the same period last year. The national average was 68.3 mm, compared to 233.8 mm last year.


  The weather agency attributes the severe drought to a persistent high pressure system over the eastern part of the country. It forecasts rain this weekend, but not enough to fully soak parched lands.


  The northern part of the peninsula is also suffering from extreme conditions.位于朝鲜半岛北半部的朝鲜目前也遭受着极端天气带来的灾害。

North Korea's state media has issued a series of reports about water shortages. In a recent dispatch, the Korea Central News Agency reported: "Crops have withered in the country's west coastal area and the water level has lowered in rivers and reservoirs," adding that rice paddies have been affected by "the devastating drought."

  朝鲜国家媒体接连刊载了数篇有关水资源短缺的报道。朝鲜中央通讯社(Korea Central News Agency)前不久发表快讯说,朝鲜西部沿海地区的庄稼已经枯萎,江河和水库水位下降,还说稻田也已受到灾难性旱灾的影响。
