

<< 返回考试资料 2012-09-24来源:口译
3月26日在韩国首尔,美国总统奥巴马在韩国外国语大学发表演讲。奥巴马此行韩国参加26日至27日在韩国首都首尔举行的第二次核安全峰会。 Obamas Speech at Hankuk University in Seoul 奥巴马在韩


Obama’s Speech at Hankuk University in Seoul


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. Thank you. (Applause.) Please, thank you very much.



To President Park, faculty, staff and students, thank you so much for this very warm welcome. It is a great honor to be here at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. (Applause.) I want to thank Dr. Park for, a few moments ago, making me an honorary alumni of the university. (Applause.)


I know that this school has one of the world’s finest foreign language programs -- which means that your English is much better than my Korean. (Laughter.) All I can say is, kamsa hamnida. (Applause.)

我知道贵校拥有世界上最好的外语学习项目之一,这就是说你们的英语比我的韩语要好得多。(笑声)我只能说kamsa hamnida(韩文,意为“谢谢”)。(掌声)

Now, this is my third visit to the Republic of Korea as President. I've now been to Seoul more times than any other capital -- except for Washington, D.C., of course. This reflects the extraordinarybonds between our two countries and our commitment to each other. I’m pleased that we’re joined by so many leaders here today, Koreans and Americans, who help keep us free and strong and prosperous every day. That includes our first Korean-American ambassador to the Republic of Korea -- Ambassador Sung Kim. (Applause.)

这是我作为总统对大韩民国的第三次访问。我到访首尔的次数超过了访问任何其他国家首都的次数——当然除了华盛顿以外。这体现了我们两国之间不同寻常的关系和相互支持。我非常高兴,今天有如此众多的使我们每天享有自由、强大和繁荣的韩美领导人在座,其中包括我国首次由美国韩裔担任的驻韩大使——金成(Sung Kim)大使。(掌声)

I’ve seen the deep connections between our peoples in my own life -- among friends, colleagues. I’ve seen it so many patriotic Korean Americans, including a man born in this city of Seoul, who came to America and has dedicated his life to lifting up the poor and sick of the world. And last week I was proud to nominate him to lead the World Bank -- Dr. Jim Yong Kim. (Applause.)

我在自己的生活中看到了我们两国人民之间根深叶茂的联系——在朋友和同事中间。我看到,有如此多的爱国的美国韩裔——包括一个出生在首尔市的人——到美国后毕生致力于帮助世界上的穷人和病人摆脱困境。上个星期,我荣幸地提名他为世界银行(World Bank)行长——金辰勇(Jim Yong Kim)博士。(掌声)

I’ve also seen the bonds in our men and women in uniform, like the American and Korean troops I visited yesterday along the DMZ -- Freedom’s Frontier. And we salute their service and are very grateful for them. We honor all those who have given their lives in our defense, including the 46 pave souls who perished aboard the Cheonan two years ago today. And in their memory we reaffirmthe enduring promise at the core of our alliance -- we stand together, and the commitment of the United States to the defense and the security of the Republic of Korea will never waver. (Applause.)

我还看到了我们两国身着军装的男女军人之间的纽带,我昨天在被称为自由前沿(Freedom’s Frontier)的非军事区所访问的美韩部队就是这样。他们为国效力,我们向他们致敬,并向他们表示深切的感谢。我向所有为保卫我们而捐躯的军人表示敬意,包括两年前的今天在“天安”号(Cheonan)上逝去的46个英魂。为了纪念他们,我们重申作为两国同盟的核心的持久承诺——我们站在一起,我们对大韩民国的防卫与安全所作的承诺永不动摇。(掌声)

Most of all, I see the strength of our alliance in all of you. For decades, this school has produced leaders -- public servants, diplomats, business people -- who’ve helped propel the modern miracle that is Korea-- transforming it from crushing poverty to one of the world’s most dynamic economies; from authoritarianismto a thriving democracy; from a country focused inward to a leader for security and prosperity not only in this region but also around the world -- a truly “Global Korea.”
