New Media showed some impressive muscle in this year's Pulitzer Prizes, which honored the Huffington Post and Politico in addition to legacyorganizations such as the New York Times.
The Huffington Post picked up its first Pulitzer for its 10-part investigativeseries on wounded veterans, "Beyond the Battlefield."
The award for National Reporting went to former Time and Los Angeles Times contributor David Wood. It is a sign of institutionallegitimacyfor a site that has become an online traffic giant, but has been a lightning rod for media criticism for its aggregationpolicies.
The other major new media winner was Politico's Matt Wuerker, who won for Editorial Cartooning. It is the first Pulitzer for the 5-year-old political site.Online news organizations have only been eligible to receive Pulitzers since 2009, when the organization changed its submissionpolicies.
【新闻快讯】4月16日,一年一度的普利策新闻奖在美国哥伦比亚大学新闻学院公布了获奖名单。今年网络媒体在普利策奖上异军突起,《赫芬顿邮报》和政客新闻网两家新闻网站首度获得各自的第一个普利策奖项,成为当日普利策奖的一大热点。已从事战争报道数十年的AOL高级军事记者大卫·伍德在过去8个月里,对重伤过后的退伍军人与他们的家庭生活进行广泛报道,名为“战场之外”(Beyond the Battlefield)的十个部分的系列报道获得了普利策奖,这也是《赫芬顿邮报》成立7年以来第一次获得该奖项,同时也是网络新闻公司获普利策委员会认可的一个里程碑。
普利策优异公众服务奖——费城问询报(The Philadelphia Inquirer)
普利策突然新闻报道奖——塔斯卡卢萨(阿拉巴马州)新闻工作人员(The Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News staff)
普利策调查性报道奖——美联社的Matt Apuzzo、 Adam Goldman、Eileen Sullivan和Chris Hawley,及《西雅图时报》的Michael J. Berens和Ken Armstrong
普利策释义性新闻奖——《纽约时报》的David Kocieniewski
普利策本地新闻报道奖——宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡的《爱国者》(The Patriot)Sara Ganim及其新闻工作人员
普利策国内报道奖——《赫芬顿邮报》(The Huffington Post)的David Wood
普利策国际报道奖——《纽约时报》的Jeffrey Gettleman
普利策特稿写作奖——《陌生人》(The Stranger是西雅图市周报)的Eli Sanders
普利策评论奖——《芝加哥论坛报》(Chicago Tribune)的Mary Schmich
普利策批评奖——《波士顿环球报》(The Boston Globe)的Wesley Morris
普利策漫画创作奖——《政客》(Politico)的Matt Wuerker
普利策突发新闻摄影奖——法新社(Agence France-Presse)的 Craig F. Walker
普利策戏剧奖——Quiara Alegra Hudes的《一勺水》(Water by the Spoonful)
普利策历史奖——已故的 Manning Marable的《马尔科姆· 艾克斯:革新的生命》(Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention)
普利策传纪奖——John Lewis Gaddis 《乔治·F·凯南:一个美国人的生活》(George F. Kennan: An American Life)
普利策诗歌奖——Tracy K. Smith的《火星上的生命》
普利策非小说类作品奖 :
Stephen Greenblatt的《急转弯:世界如何走向现代》(The Swerve: How the World Became Modern)