The designs has to appeal to all eyes and social groups. 设计得雅俗共赏,老少皆宜
A stirring memory令人心潮澎湃的回忆
回答掷地有声resonant answer
既要大胆又要谨慎be both dauntless and prudent
不卑不亢neither humble nor arrogant
小家子气narrow-minded/be not generous/a tough person
lodge a strong protest against
坚持解决群众当前困难和长期结合的原则solving the current difficulties of the mass and organizing them is our theme
They sign the bilateral agreements to cover the social security in different areas
没有采取没收的办法,而采取赎买的办法。Instead of confiscating properties, we have redeemed it.
为做到这一点,我们将采取逐步过度的办法。We should accomplish this by general transformation.