

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-09-07来源:口译



  There are many art galleries and ongoing displays on the campus of the University of Victoria (UVic). The Student Union Building lounge displays various works including local student art. The Maltwood Art Museum Gallery, located in the main lobby of the University Center, features local, national, and international works. The McPherson Library Gallery located on the main floor of the library, features art produced by UVic students. To see ongoing art displays, you can visit the Fine Arts Building.

  CFUV broadcasts at 101.9 FM. This unique campus radio station offers a diversity of programming, which includes alternative rock, folk, classical and jazz music as well as news, public affairs and multicultural programming. CFUV also features Victoria’s only regular rap, rhythm and blues, electronic experimental, and women’s programming. The station is operated by students and community volunteers.

  Cinecenta is the students’ society’s 300-seat movie theater Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Cinecenta always offers an excellent choice of movies—from alternative, foreign, independent, documentary films to Hollywood blockbusters. Take the time on a Sunday afternoon and catch a 2:30 matinee for only $3.75 or catch a midnight classic! Movies are only $4.75 for students with a valid student ID—or buy a 10-film pass and pay only $3.75 each. You can pick up a free time table around campus.

  Providing funding for clubs is one of the many important services of the many clubs that are already established. To start up a club, all you need is at least ten members, two thirds of whom are UVic undergrads, and five of whom are executive members and a club constitution.

  The music department on campus holds over 100 concerts a year. Everyone is welcome to attend student recitals, held every Friday at 12:30 pm in the Phillip T. young recital hall located in the music wing of the Maclaurin building. Student discounts are available at some performances of the Pacific Opera Victoria. The Victoria symphony offers reduced price tickets to students if tickets are purchased the day of the concert. The symphony also performance frequently at the University Center.

  Copies of the following publications can be picked up from campus publication boxes that are located in virtually every building on campus. The Martlet, the official student paper of UVic, is funded

  Partially through student and fees and is produced by an autonomous collective of students and staff. It is available across campus and throughout Victoria every Thursday. Published monthly by CFUV, Offbeat is your guide to CFUV’s program schedule. The Ring, published every two weeks, is UVic’s community newspaper for faculty, staff, students and off-campus readers. An autonomous publication funded by UVic and produced by the women’s center, the Womyn’s publication network is the oldest women’s studert newspaper in Canada. The paper has a feminist focus.


  在维多利亚大学的校园有许多画廊和正在进行的画展.学生会建造了一个展厅来陈列本地学生各种各样的美术作品. Maltwood美术博物馆位于教学楼的主休息厅.他们的作品在当地、国内,乃至国际上都享有盛名。麦克弗森图书展览馆位于图书馆的主楼层上,学生们创作的艺术作品也颇俱特色。到那去看正在进行的美术画展,您随便可以参观一下美术大楼。
