

<< 返回复习资料 2014-07-29来源:口译
at the age of twenty-seven at last began to show his energy, and devote himself to the study of books. 彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思 Then when already past the age, he deeply regretted his d

  at the age of twenty-seven
  at last began to show his energy,
  and devote himself to the study of books.
  彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思
  Then when already past the age,
  he deeply regretted his delay.
  You little boys,
  should take thought betimes.
  若梁灏 八十二 对大廷 魁多士
  Then there were Liang Hao,
  who at the age of eighty-two,
  made his replies to the great hall,
  and came out first among many scholars.
  彼既成 众称异 尔小生 宜立志
  When thus late he had succeeded,
  all men pronounced him a prodigy.
  You little boys,
  should make up your minds to work.

  莹八岁 能咏诗 泌七岁 能赋棋【缺字, 原文棋用或体, 基之下改石】
  Jung at eight of age,
  could compose poetry.
  Pi, at seven years of age,
  could make an epigram on wei-ch'i.
  彼颖悟 人称奇 尔幼学 当效之
  These youths were quick of apprehe! nsion,
  and people declared them to be prodigies.
  You young learners,
  ought to imitate them.
  蔡文姬 能辨琴 谢道韫 能咏吟
  Ts'ai Wen-chi,
  was able to judge from the sound of a psaltery.
  Hsieh Tao-yun,
  was able to compose verses.
  彼女子 且聪敏 尔男子 当自警
  They were only girls,
  yet they were quick and clever.
  You boys ought to
  rouse yourselves.
  唐刘晏 方七岁 举神童 作正字
  Liu Yen of the Tang dynasty
  & nbsp; when only seven years of age,
  was ranked as an 'inspired child' (child prodigy)
  and was appointed a Corrector of Texts.
  彼虽幼 身己仕 尔幼学 勉而致
  He, although a child,
  was already in an official post.
  You young learners
  strive to bring about a like result.
  有为者 亦若是
  Those who work,
  will also succeed as he did.
  犬守夜 鸡司晨 苟不学 曷为人
  The dog keep guard by night;
  the cock proclaims the dawn.
  If foolishly you do not study,
  how can you become men ?
  蚕吐丝 蜂酿蜜 人不学 不如物
  The silkworm produced silk,
  the bee makes honey.
  If man does not learn,
  he is not equal to the brutes
  幼而学 壮而行 上致君 下泽民
  Learn while young,
  and when grown up apply what you have learn;
  influencing the soverign above,
  benefitting the people below.
  扬名声 显父母 光於前 裕於後
  Make a name for yourselves,
  and glority you father and mother.
  shed lustre on your ancestors,
  enrich your posterity.
  人遗子 金满嬴 我教子 惟一经
  Men bequeath to their children,
  coffers of gold.
  I teach you children,
  only this book.
  勤有功 戏无益 戒之哉 宜勉力
  Diligence has its reward;
  play has no advantages,
  & nbsp;Oh, be on your guard,
  and put forth your strength.
