

<< 返回复习资料 2014-07-29来源:口译
such are the 3 systems wh! ich elucidate the changes. 有典谟 有训诰 有誓命 书之奥 There are the Regulations and the Counsels, The Instruction, The Annoucements, The Oaths, The Charges, The

  such are the 3 systems wh! ich elucidate the changes.
  有典谟 有训诰 有誓命 书之奥
  There are the Regulations and the Counsels,
  The Instruction, The Annoucements,
  The Oaths, The Charges,
  These are the profundities of the Book of History.
  我周公 作周礼 著六官 存治体
  Our Duke of Chou,
  drew up the Ritual of the Chou Dynasty,
  in which he set forth the duties of the six classes of officials;
  and thus gave a settled form to the government.
  大小戴 注礼记 述圣言 礼乐备
  The Elder and the Younger Tai,
  wrote commentaries on the Book of Rites.
  They publish the holy words,
  and Ceremonies and Music were set in order.
  曰国风 曰雅颂 号四诗 当讽咏
  We speak of the Kuo Feng,
  we speak of the Ya and the Sung.
  These are the four sections of the Book of poetry,
  which should be hummed over and over.
  诗既亡 春秋作 寓褒贬 别善恶
  When odes ceased to be made,
  the Spring and Autumn Annals were produced.
  Th! ese Annals contain praise and blame,
  and distinguish the good from the bad.
  三传者 有公羊 有左氏 有彀梁
  The three commentaries upon the above,
  include that of Kung-Yang,
  th at of Tso
  and that of Ku-Liang.
  经既明 方读子 撮其要 记其事
  When the classics were understood,

  then the writings of the various philosophers should be read.
  Pick out the important points in each,
  and take a note of the facts.
  五子者 有荀杨 文中子 及老庄
  The five chielf philosophers,
  are Haun, Yang,
  Wen Chung Tzu
  Lao Tzu and Chung Tzu.
  经子通 读诸史 考世系 知终始
  When the classics and the philosophers are mastered,
  the various histories should then be read,
  and the genealogical connections should be examined,
  so that the end of one dynasty and the beginning of the next be known.
  自羲农 至黄帝 号三皇 居上世
  From Fu Hsi and Shen Nung.
  (??on ?? probably to or onto ) the Yellow Empero! r,
  these are called the three rulers.
  who lived in the early ages.
  唐有虞 号二帝 相揖逊 称盛世
  Tang and Yu-Yu
  are called the two emperors.
  They adbicated, one after the other,
  and their was called the Golden Age.
  夏有禹 商有汤 周文武 称三王
  The Hsia dynasty has Yu
  and the Shang dynasty has T'ang'
  The Chou dynasty had Wen and Wu;
  these are called the Three Kings
  夏传子 家天下 四百载 迁夏社
  Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son,
  making a family possession of the empire.
  After four hundred years,
  the imperial sacrifice passed from the house of Hsia.
  汤伐夏 国号商 六百载 至纣亡
  T'ang the completer destroyed the Hsia Dynasty,
  and the Dynastic title became Shang.
  The line lasted for six hundred years,
  ending with Chou Hsin.
  周武王 始诛纣 八百载 最长久
  King Wu of the Chou Dynasty
  finally slew Chou Hsin.
  His own line ! lasted for eight hundred years;
  the longest dynasty of all.
  周辙东 王纲堕 逞干戈 尚游说
  When the Chous made tracks eastwards,
  the feudal bond was slackened;
  the arbitrament of spear and shields prevailed;
  and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.
  始春秋 终战国 五霸强 七雄出
  This period began with the Spring and Autum Epoch
  and ended with that of the Warring States.
  Next, the Five Chieftains domineered,
  and Seven Martial States came to the front.
  嬴秦氏 始兼并 传二世 楚汉争
  Then the House of Chin, descended from the Ying clan,
  finally united all the states under one sway.
  The thrown was transmitted to Erh Shih,
  upon which followed the struggle between the Ch'u and the Han states.
  高祖兴 汉业建 至孝平 王莽篡
  Then Kao Tsu arose,
  and the House of Han was established.
  When we come to the reign of Hsiao P'ing,
  Wang Mang usurped the throne.
  光武兴 为东汉 四百年 终於献
