《华盛顿邮报》记者: 总理您好,我是《华盛顿邮报》的记者。一年以前,我的一个记者同事曾经向您问到一个关于在中国进行直选的问题,当时您表示这个进程应该是循序渐进的,首先中国老百姓应该证明他们有能力来管好一个村的事务,然后他们逐渐可以管好一个乡、一个县的事务。今年,在世界许多国家老百姓都将会通过直接选举选出自己的领导人,人们不禁要问,什么时候在中国的老百姓才能够通过这种竞争性、直接性的选举选出他们的领导人呢?
Q: When can Chinese people elect their leaders directly?
温家宝: 是的。我曾经不仅一次地提出过,要坚定不移地实行村民自治,并且保护村民直选的合法权利。现在农村村委会许多实践证明,农民通过直选村委会是成功的。他们不仅有高度的热情,而且按照村民自治法制定了严格的选举办法。
A: I have said on several occasions that we must adhere to the practice of self-governance byvillagers in China and villagers' lawful rights to directly elect village committees must beprotected. What has happened shows this has been a successful practice. The Chinese villagers haveshown strong enthusiasm in participating in this process and strict methods of election havebeen formulated on the basis of the law of self-governance by villagers of China.
I still believe that if the people are able to run the affairs of a village well, gradually they will beable to run the affairs of a township and then a county.
We must continue to encourage people to take full steps to experiment and that can helpenhance our people’s ability in this regard through these very practices.I believe that the democratic system of China will continue to move forward in keeping withChina's national conditions and no force will be able to hold this process back.