

<< 返回名人风采 2012-10-18来源:口译
政府工作报告作了以后,世界上各种媒体反响最大的,就是关于中国经济增长的速度。The aim of the adjustment is to advance toward technology progress and labor quality.

《财经》杂志记者: 总理您好,我是《财经》杂志的记者,我的提问是,今年的经济增速调低为7.5%,这是暂时性的减速,还是会变成常态性?中国经济是否已经告别了高增长的阶段?国际社会上在某种程度将度过经济危机的希望寄于中国经济的高速增长,现在中国调低了增速会对国际经济复苏产生哪些影响?谢谢。

Q: China's annual economic growth has been set at 7.5 percent this year, lower than inpervious years. Is the downward adjustment temporary or permanent? Does it suggest theend of the high-speed growth period for the Chinese economy?How will the adjustment affect the global economy as the world hopes the high-speedgrowth of China can soothe the global slowdown?

温家宝: 政府工作报告作了以后,世界上各种媒体反响最大的,就是关于中国经济增长的速度。我以为他们抓住了一个要害问题。这次我们将多年来8%以上的中国经济增速调低到7.5%,其主要目的就是要真正使经济增长转移到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质上来,真正实现高质量的增长,真正有利于经济结构调整和发展方式的转变,真正使中国经济的发展摆脱过度依赖资源消耗和污染环境,走上一条节约资源能耗,保护生态环境的正确道路上来,真正使中国经济的发展能最终惠及百姓的民生。

A: The aim of the adjustment is to advance toward technology progress and labor quality. Wetarget high-quality growth, as well as adjustment in economic structure and development model.The economy will shift to an energy-conserving and environment-protecting model to delivermore benefit to the people.


We set the economic growth target for the 12th Five-Year Plan at 7 percent. The target for2012 is set in line with the target of the 12th Five-Year Plan.


China is facing economic downward pressure with external contraction and European debtcrisis. We set the annual growth for structural adjustment in economy, which is fundamentally beneficial for the global economy.

现在,对于我们来说,还是要把握好保持经济平稳较快发展、结构调整、管好通胀预期三者的关系。中国的经济总量已经达到47万亿元人民币,在这个基础上,增长 7.5%并不算低。如果一直保持这个速度,在经济总量不断增长的情况下,更不算低。而且我们要想方设法使同样的经济总量能够换取更大的经济效益,能够使百姓得到更多的实惠。我们一定能够做到这一点,这是我们的目标。谢谢。
