

<< 返回名人风采 2012-10-18来源:口译
All the power of government is entrusted by the people. 政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,我们应该创造条件让人民提出意见批评政府。


中央电视台记者: 总理您好,我是中央电视台和中国网络电视台的记者。我想问您的问题是,近年来您已经有很多次提起要促进社会的公平正义,但是现在社会上一些不公平的现象仍然是老百姓关注的焦点。请问您在任期之内还会做哪些工作进一步促进社会的公平正义?另外,我们知道您常常会上网,在网络上您可以看到网民对政府工作、对您本人的肯定和赞扬,但是也会有“拍砖”的,您怎么看待这些批评的声音?谢谢。

Q: What steps will you take in your term to promote social equity and justice? You oftenlog onto the Internet, there are praises as well as criticism on the performance of theChinese government and yourself. How do you view the criticism?

温家宝: 我曾经说过,公平正义比太阳还光辉。公平正义是社会主义的本质特征。实事求是地讲,9年来,我们为实现社会的公平正义做了大量不可磨灭的工作。

A: Equality and justice shine more brightly than sunshine. In the past nine years, we have done a lot of work to promote social equity and justice.


On the legal front, we amended theConstitution to include respect and guarantee of human rights. We established a Property Law to protect legal private assets. We also amended the Election Law to make rights of urbanareas and rural areas equal. We also abolished the Measures for Assisting Vagrants andBeggars so that migrant workers can enter cities freely.


Second, in rural areas, we abolished the agricultural tax to ease the burden of farmers.


Third, in education, we've made nine-year free compulsory education available all over thecountry.


Fourth, we established and improved the social security system, including old-age pension,medical care and low-income subsistence allowance. Medical care insurance for working andnon-working residents and a new type of rural cooperative medical care cover the whole nation.


In the last year of my term, the government will make every effort to pursue several difficulttasks as follows:


First, formulate an integral plan to reform the income distribution system.


Second, establish and issue regulation on expropriation and compensation of rural land.


Third, extend old-age insurance to the whole country.


Fourth, boost poverty relief in poor areas.


Fifth, we've arranged the budget for educational expenditures to account for 4 percent of GDP.We'll make every effort to attain the goal and make sure all expenditures reasonable.


All the power of government is entrusted by the people. Therefore, we should create conditionsfor people to criticize the government. It feels natural for me to see people's criticism.In fact, many important decisions of government derive from people's criticism.


I even think ofinviting representatives who often criticize the government to Zhongnanhai, the Chinesegovernment's central compound, to listen to their advice face to face.


However, there are also slanders about me, which pains me. My individual personality is notunderstood by them and I feel a bit worried about society. I will press ahead and continue tostruggle with courage despite slanders or rumors.
