A U.S. Senate investigation has found poor controls at the global bank HSBC allowed Mexican drug traffickers and other criminals to launder billions of dollars into the United States.
美国国会参议院的调查结果显示,全球业务的汇丰银行管理松懈,使墨西哥贩毒集团和其他犯罪分子得以向美国转移数以十亿计美元的巨额资金。 A report released before a Senate hearing on the matter Tuesday said the London-based bank also did business with firms linked to terrorism and bypassed U.S. financial sanctions against rogue states such as Iran. 在美国国会参议院星期二就这一问题举行听证会之前公布的一份报告说,汇丰银行还同与恐怖主义有关的公司做生意,而且不遵守美国对伊朗等国家实行的经济制裁。 It said HSBC executives and U.S. regulators routinely ignored warning signs and failed to stop illegal behavior between 2002 and 2010, effectively giving criminals and terrorists a portal into the U.S. financial system. 这份报告说,汇丰银行的高层经管和美国监管人员在2002年至2010年期间经常无视可疑迹象,未能制止非法行为,实际上为犯罪分子和恐怖分子提供了进入美国金融系统的通道。 HSBC has released a statement saying its executives will apologize at the Washington hearing, during which lawmakers will question bank officials and U.S. regulators. 汇丰银行发表声明说,该银行的高层经管将在华盛顿举行的听证会上道歉。美国国会议员将在听证会上对该银行经管和美国监管人员提出质询。(责任编辑:admin)