

<< 返回考试资料 2014-05-22来源:口译

  Basic need
  Everyday Expressions
  n. 天,日子
  He goes on a walk every day.
  n. 白天
  Most people work during the day.
  n. 工作日
  I got a day off work.
  payday (发薪日);
  dayjob (主要工作);
  daybreak (拂晓);
  daydream (白日梦);
  daylight (黎明);
  daytime (白天的时间);
  day-boy/girl (走读生);
  daycare (日托,父母白天上班,把小孩子交给托儿所);
  day shift (白班工人)(night shift 夜班)
  常见搭配 Useful Phrases
  日复一日 --- day after day
  日日夜夜 --- day and night
  鼎盛时期 --- in one’s day
  使某人非常高兴 --- make sb’s day
  有朝一日 --- one day
  最近 --- the other day
  会议议程 --- the order of the day
  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
  dog days --- 三伏天
  take it day by day --- 慢慢来 (go slowly)
  call it a day --- 今天就到这儿
  those were the days --- 那是过去的好时光
  It’s not sb’s day --- 倒霉的一天
  for a rainy day --- 未雨绸缪
  生活用语 Street Talks
  A: You know what? They lengthened the working day from eight to nine hours.
  B: That’s ridiculous!
  A: Here’s your change, sir.
  B: Thank you. Bye.
  A: Have a nice day. Come again. (再见/ 祝你愉快)
  电影对白 Transcripts
  对话 Mr. Robinson: Hi, Ben. What are you doing with yourself these days?
  Ben: Oh—not too much. Take it easy. 《毕业生》
  Mrs. Braddock: Well, you don’t drive around from midnight until noonthe next day, Benjamin.
  Ben: Oh, no. 《毕业生》
