

<< 返回考试资料 2014-05-22来源:口译

  Basic need
  Everyday Expressions
  n. 眼睛
  Tom is a boy with blue eyes.
  n. 视力
  She is slowly losing her eyesight.
  眉毛 --- eyebrow
  眼皮,眼睑 --- eyelid
  眼睫毛 --- eyelash
  眼球 --- eyeball
  eyewitness (目击者);
  eyesore (眼中钉);
  eye-appealing (漂亮的);
  eye-catching (引人注目的);
  eyesight (视力);
  eye-opener (令人开眼界的事物);
  eye-strain (眼睛疲劳)
  常见搭配 Useful Phrases
  遭到白眼 --- to get the eye
  引起注意 --- to catch sb’s eye
  挤眉弄眼 --- to make eyes at
  留意某人/某事--- to keep an eye on sb/sth
  目不转睛地看 --- be all eyes
  在某人看来 --- in sb’s eyes
  直视某人 --- to look sb in the eyes
  习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
  an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) --- 以眼还眼(以牙还牙)一报还一报
  only have eyes for --- 只对…感兴趣
  see eye to eye with sb --- 完全一致,看法相同
  生活用语 Street Talks
  A: Scot! You know what? Anna gave me the eye. It really surprised me. (暗送秋波)
  B: She makes goo-goo eyes at everybody! (媚眼)
  A: No! It’s different! Like magic! You know? She hit me between the eyes the moment I saw her. (发生深刻印象)
  Let’s just put on my eyes before we go outside. (墨镜 sunglasses)
