

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-18来源:口译
The world today is seeing greater uncertainties and destabilizing factors. Peace and development are far from being achieved in many parts of the world. Close to 400 million people in Africa live unde

  The world today is seeing greater uncertainties and destabilizing factors. Peace and development are far from being achieved in many parts of the world. Close to 400 million people in Africa live under the poverty line, and more than 40 million Chinese need to be lifted out of poverty. China and Africa need to join hands in fighting poverty and achieving common development. This is our responsibility to the future generations, the shared objective of Chinese and African people and the inherent part of human progress.


  Over the past 40 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government and people have committed themselves to reform and opening-up and embarked on a successful path of development. China has lifted over 700 million Chinese out of poverty and contributed 70% to the UN Millennium Development Goal on poverty reduction, creating a miracle in the world development history. President Xi Jinping has now proposed to build a community of shared future for mankind, where we will strive for a better life not just for the Chinese people but also those around the world, especially in developing countries.


  As a Chinese saying goes, “A single flower does not make spring; one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden”. As stressed by President Xi, China’s relations with Africa must be built on the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith and the values of friendship, justice and shared interests. In other words, we need to take into full account of Africa’s needs and synergize China’s development with that of Africa to realize common development and prosperity. Today, Chairman Moussa Faki and I want to join the think tanks, experts and media representatives from China and Africa to share development experience, discuss cooperation ideas, pool wisdom for Africa’s poverty reduction and development and plan China-Africa mutually beneficial cooperation. I look forward to your deep insights and practical recommendations that are suited to Africa’s realities.


  Ladies and Gentlemen,


  《摆脱贫困》一书收录了习近平主席当年在中国福建省宁德地区工作期间对当地减贫发展的重要思考与实践。1988年习近平作为地委书记初到宁德时当地人均GDP仅 198美元,去年已超过了 8000美元。可以说,这本书讲的是宁德作为贫困地区探索扶贫道路,发挥自身优势,制订科学规划,实现减贫发展的成功实践。书中的有关思想理念与政策举措,既是宁德地区实现减贫发展的关键所在,也是中国改革开放成功实践的经验总结,其中“扶贫先扶志,扶贫必扶智”、“把经济建设当作最大的政治”、“弱鸟先飞”以及因地制宜、行动至上、“既要发展经济,又要廉洁政府”等重要思想,至今对中国完成减贫任务仍具有现实指导意义,对发展中国家推进减贫努力也具有借鉴参考价值。
