My answer is neither. War and conflict should certainly not be our option. Even a peaceful transition should not be what we really aim at. Our historical mission is not the transfer of global dominance from one power to another. Rather it should be the making of a new model of international relations where countries especially the major ones coexist peacefully on the basis of mutual respect and engage in win-win cooperation for global stability and prosperity. This should be the overarching result that the two countries have to work together to achieve, if a “result-oriented” approach is to be followed.
Specific issues must be addressed within the context of our long-term relations and interests.
Between China and the U.S., there are so many and growing areas for cooperation, and naturally there are differences. Even in cooperation, our perspective or methodology could diverge. These differences and divergences are there and some of them are difficult to be removed overnight. It is clear that we should not allow lack of results on such partial differences negate the progress we have made in our cooperation. Neither should we let our bilateral relationship be hijacked by certain events every now and then.
The results that we try to achieve should be mutually beneficial.
A relationship of “one side takes all” can never last long. If one side seeks certain result at the expense of the other, the result itself is not a good one. The interactions between China and the U.S. should not be a one-way traffic in which one side lists requirements and demands for the other side to fulfill, but a two-way traffic where both sides respect and accommodate the interest and concerns of each other and make efforts to expand common interest and cooperation.
Since President Trump took office, with the joint efforts of both sides, the China-US relationship has made important positive progress. The successful presidential meetings in Mar-a-lago and on the sidelines of the Hamburg G20 summit just two days ago have set the tone and charted the course for our relationship. The two sides have established four high-level dialogue mechanisms, namely, the Diplomatic and Security Dialogue, the Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, the Law-enforcement and Cyber Security Dialogue, and the Social and People-to-People Dialogue. The two sides also made and kick-started a “100 Day Plan” to promote the economic and trade relations between China and the U.S., which has produced mutually beneficial early harvest.