

<< 返回真题模拟 2015-10-28来源:口译
  11.Her boyfriend has returned home from Long Island and he told her of the house where he was boarded, and lodged, a red-titled bungalow, on a little hill, overlooking the blue sea, with a large, shady garden behind it.
  12.I drove through the security gates at the vast site near Paris into a cloud of dust stirred up by a truck carrying three of the largest trees I had ever seen moving, 65-foot firs from Germany, roots and branches intact.
  巴黎附近有个巨大的工地, 我驱车进入它的安全卫门,驶入一团尘雾之中。呢是一辆卡车开过扬起的。这辆卡车上栽着三棵大树――来自德国的65英尺高的枞树,根部和枝杈完好无损――这是我平生所见到的搬移的树木中最巨大的。
  13.I have seen the hunger of a homeless child, the pain of a man wounded in battle, the grief of a mother who has lost her son. I know these have no ideology, no race.
  14. I owe innumerable happy hours to the reading of Russell’s works, something which I cannot say of any other contemporary scientific writer, with the exception of Thorstein Veblen.
  15. People from many different places come to New York to work and visit, they also come to learn.
  24.He was thin, wiry, dark, with a high-nosed acute face, penetrating grey eyes, angular shoulders, and a jerky way of walking. His voice was high and discordant.
