

<< 返回考试经验 2014-06-05来源:口译
定期 regularly 越来越多的消费者 more and more consumers / consumers in increasing numbers 生活节奏 life tempo 减轻负担 lessen the burden / ease the burden 社会地位 social status 扭

  定期 regularly
  越来越多的消费者 more and more consumers / consumers in increasing numbers
  生活节奏 life tempo
  减轻负担 lessen the burden / ease the burden
  社会地位 social status
  扭转局面 turn around the situation
  充分发挥 bring into full play
  大展宏图 realize their ambition
  全天候交易 24-hour trading operation
  业务辐射全国 radiating its business across the country
  影响深远 have a profound/far-reaching influence on
  上市公司 listed company
  远见 broad vision
  先驱 pioneer
  开始了新篇章 open a new chapter
  注册资本 registered capital
  远大承诺 long-term commitment
  战略伙伴 strategic partner
  表明对中国市场的重视 illustrate the importance placed on the Chinese market
  招聘新员工 recruit new staff
  立足于 hold the principle of… / with the aim of …
  飞跃发展 advance by leaps and bounds / have a leap in development / leap development
  新时代 new era
   上海世博会 World Expo 2010 Shanghai
  举办活动 hold the event
  香港会展中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
  激增50% roar 20% / surge 50%
  日趋激烈的竞争 increasing competition
  经济收益 economic benefit
  零售业 retail business
  批发业 wholesale business
  调控 regulate / control (v.)
  宏观调控 macro-control
  微观调控 micro-control
  关心 be concerned with
  出台政策 issue policy / unveil fresh policy
  老百姓 ordinary people
  备受瞩目 attract tremendous attention
  精诚合作 cooperate faithfully (v.) / sincere cooperation (n.)
  弥补损失 make up for losses
  游刃有余 be quite capable of
  公益事业 charity program
  满足需求 meet the requirements / meet the need
  房地产 real estate
  丰厚的经济回报 fat economic return
  与日俱增、日新月异 increase with each passing day
  接近尾声 near the end
  掌上游戏机 portable game player
  必由之路 a path that must be followed
  生产力 productivity
  知识经济 knowledge economy
  可持续发展 sustainable development
  人工智能 artificial intelligence
  离不开 stand away from / do (develop/ proceed) without
  忠实可靠的合作伙伴 reliable and trustworthy partner
  西部开发 the development of China’s western part
  坚持科教兴国战略 adhere to the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education
  举世瞩目的成就 achievement that amazed the world
  激烈的市场竞争 fierce market competition
  亚太地区 the Asian-Pacific region
  纺织业 textile industry
  推动力 driving force / impetus
  领先于 take the lead / outstrip
  随之 accordingly
  昔日 bygone days
  新的增长的 new growth point
  自行车专用道 bicycle lanes
  增值服务 value-added service
  遵循原则 follow the principles
  平均寿命 average life expectancy
  公费医疗制 state-funded public medical system
  脱贫 lift…out of poverty
  生活品质 life quality
