

<< 返回考试经验 2014-07-22来源:口译
曾有一位女翻译招呼外宾时,大声喊叫Hello而不知道 说:Excuse me,在宣布事情时总是:Attention please.而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please

  曾有一位女翻译招呼外宾时,大声喊叫“Hello”而不知道 说:"Excuse me",在宣布事情时总是:Attention please.而不是说:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please.结果一位外宾对此感到不快,说:I don’t want to talk to that wild girl.要人帮忙时,我们时常会说:你能告诉我到×××地方怎么走吗?你能说英语吗?等。如果英文译成:Can you tell me how to get to……?Can you speak English?那将是很不客气的问话。对方会以为你怀疑他的能力。因为英文字can表示能力。
  如果改为could,含义就不同了。可以译 为:Could you please tell me how to get……? Do you speak English?一个陌生人问你如何去某地时,你很可能传说:“最好坐公共汽车去。”如将这句话译为You’d better take a bus,听起来不够礼貌。因为You’d better……这个句型含有You have a duty to do something,或You have an obligation to…的意思。是一种命令语气,常用于晚辈或下属。因此,这样翻译不够礼貌。这句话有许多客气的表达方法。
  如:I suggest you take a bus.
  It might be better to take a bus.
  Perhaps you might like to take a bus.
  Why not take a bus?
  I think the best way is by bus.
  I have to disagree with you, but I would think…或者Well, there’s a point in what you said, but …对某件事表示不同意见时,可以说:Would it not be better if…请别人帮忙时,可以说:Could you do me a favour, 或者Excuse me ,I have a problem,…等等。在绝别人要求时,可以说:I am afraid it doesn’t work.或者I wonder whether it will work, but I’ll try my best.
  一些学识渊博、经验丰富的外交官非常善于使用委婉客气的语气来 表达不同意见。譬如,一个外国代表团在一次国际会议上,是这样对一个国际会议领导职位侯选人的提名表示不同意见的。他说:"As an experienced Minister with a distinguished record of service, we are confident that he has all the attributes to be an outstanding president of this Conference…but I have to place before you some of the reservations that we have about this nomination. If I may, I will share with you some of our concerns. Such a presidency will be misread by those outside the ILO as signaling that…”
  可以译为:他是一位有经验的部长,并做出了出色的成 绩。我们相信,他完全具有条件,可以成为一个杰出的会议主席。但是,我不是不陈述我们对于这一提名的保留意见。请允许我向你们谈谈我们所关注的一些问题。 这一主席的提名会被国际劳工组织以外的人误解为发出一个……的信号。”这位团长既清楚地表达了反对意见,但又讲得非常委婉、客气。这些表达方法很值得我们 学习、借鉴。
  例1 Welcome 中文中经常会出现,“欢迎某人做某事”的句子,按中文语序翻译这样的句子,往往会出现中式英文。北京长安街两个大饭店门前大牌子上有两条表示欢迎的大标 语:“北京欢迎您”、“国际饭店欢迎您”。同时又用英语书写了这两条标语的意思:Beijing Is Waiting for You (北京正等着您)和International Hotel Welcomes You.中国民航赠送的挎包上曾印有中、英文的欢迎词:欢迎乘坐中国民航,Welcome you to fly CAAC.英语中的“欢迎”通常使用"welcome"这个词。
  Welcome作动词时有两种形式可用:动词+宾语,动词+宾语+副词短语。 习惯上可以译为welcome somebody to somewhere,或welcome to a place.显然上述译法不符合这个英文词的通常表达习惯。应译为:Welcome to Beijing, Welcome to International Hotel 和Welcome to fly CAAC。如要翻译“欢迎贵国工商界人士到中国去投资”,不能译为:We welcome people from the business community of your country to make investment in China.可译为:i)People from the business community here in this country are welcome to make investment in China.或ii)We hope that people from the business community here in this country will go and invest in China.
  例2 Guide
  Guide这个字只有两种verb pattern适用它。即:动词+宾语;动词+宾语+副词短语,动词+宾语+副词性小品词。如:“积极引导外资参与企业技改”一句,不能译 为:Efforts will be made to guide foreign capital to go to the technological upgrading of enterprises.这不符合guide的习惯用法。它可以译为:Efforts will be made to guide more foreign investment to the technical upgrading of enterprises
