

<< 返回考试经验 2014-07-22来源:口译
Some are widely praised good officials for their self- discipline and devotion to their official duties. Someare ill - behaved officials breaking the law for bribes ,some are muddle headed officials l

  Some are widely praised good officials for their self- discipline and devotion to their official duties. Someare ill - behaved officials breaking the law for bribes ,some are muddle headed officials lingering over trifles in2stead of important issues of course , there are also amorousofficials indulging in pleasure - seeking , addicting to sen2sual pleasure.
  (3) 为了恪守良心,保全人格,为了民族气节,国家尊严,居然炒了老板的“鱿鱼”,砸了自己的饭碗,得到社会各界普遍称颂。
  All of them are common people who have been wide2ly praised by people of all walks of life for their unusualdeeds ———they went so far as to say good - bye to theirbosses , therefore lost their jobs for sake of conscience ,personality and national integrity and dignity.
  演变的 过程时,观察或叙述的视点往往落在动作的发出者,并以动作的发出者作为句子的主语,因此,汉语中主动语态使用频繁,而习惯于客体思维的西方人却常把观察或 叙述的视点放在行为,动作的结果或承受者上,并以此作为句子的主语,因此英语中被动语态使用广泛,翻译时,应该根据语义逻辑改换或增添句子的主语,相应调 整句子语态,以符合汉语的表达习惯。
  (1) 不久前我看到一则房地产广告,题目赫然是“工薪族的理想家居”。
  Before long , an estate advertisement entitled“ Dre2amland for the Salaried”caught my eyes.
  (2) 如今满大街都能看到为“工薪族”们提供的商品及服务。
  Nowadays , the commodities and services for the sal2aried men are available everywhere.
  (3) 全国人民所渴望的政治协商会议现在开幕了。
  The Political Consultative Conference so eagerlyawaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated.
  (4) (他们) 结婚六年没有儿子,然而妻子却出人意料地给丈夫生了一对双胞胎。
  After six years of married childlessness , the fatherwas suddenly presented by his wife with a pair of twins.
  (一) 增词
  1. 英语是一种形和重于意和的语言,它主要借助语言手段(词汇,句型,语法等) 来实现语言的连接。在英语中,语法关系、时态、语态、数都很清楚。
  O’er old trees wreathed with rotten vine fly eveningcrows ;
  ’Neath tiny bridge beside a cot a clear streamflows ;
  On ancient road in western breeze a lean horse goes ;
  汉语连续用了九个名词,九个名词就把萧瑟凄凉之景,空旷冷落之感在这九个名词中凸现而出,悠然而生,生动具体地抒发出作者当时的情绪和心境,没 有任何的赘词冗语。渊冲先生的译文根据英语句法结构,增添了冠词,介词和动词,原句中的九个名词改换成了三个完整的逻辑语句. 只有这样才更符合英语的表达习惯。
  2. 翻译是一种跨文化的语系转换活动,对于某些民族色彩词语要有充分的理解,在理解的基础上,对词义做必要的解释,以便译入语读者理解。如:
  (1) 30 万,一个真正的“工薪族”一年就算勒紧裤腰带攒下一万元,也要30 年。
  30 ,000 yuan , it will take30 years for a genuinemember of the salaried , even if he lives frugally all theyear round.
  (2) 故五行无常胜,四时无常主,日有短长,月有死生。
  The five elements : water , fire , wood , metal , earth ,are not always equally predominant ; the four seasonsmake away for each other in turn. There are short daysand long ; the moon has its periods of waning and waxing(二) 减词汉语为了句子结构平衡,增强语气,强化音韵,常使用重复,对仗等修辞手法,因此句子词或词组复式含义相同的词组重复使用现象较多见,而英译时只需译上 其主要意思。如:
  (1) 天帅们的品行仍折射出一脉相承的中华传统美德。
  Nowadays , What Mr. Sun and his likes have doneembodies the same Chinese traditional virtues and moralintegrity and noble character.
