

<< 返回历年真题 2012-10-29来源:口译
2012年3月高级口译汉译英原文:传统的中国画,不模仿自然,是以表现自然,是以表现心灵舒发性情为主体的意象主义艺术,画中意象与书法中的文字一样,是一种适于书写的极度概括抽象的象征符号,伴随着意象符号的是传统的程式表现技巧。古代的大师们创造着独自心中的意象及其程式,风格迥异,生机勃勃。后来,多数人惯于对古人程式的模仿,所作之画千人一面。这样的画作一泛滥,雅的不再雅,俗的则更俗。近代中国画仍然在庸俗没落的模式漩涡中进退两难,阿文与当今的有识同行一样,有志标新立异,寻找自我,建立起现代的属于自己的新意象、新格局,且一直背靠着高雅的传统。译文: Traditional Chinese painting did not imitate nature; its artistic form of imagery mainly served the purpose of expressing human spirit and disposition. The imagism in the paintings, highly abstract symbols accompanied by images, could be achieved through the conventional artistic formalities, not unlike those found in Chinese calligraphy. Ancient masters created their own internal images and their styles that were all markedly diverse and lively.Later on, these artistic patterns were imitated and copied to the point where most paintings were nothing but look-alikes. The result of such abuse was that what had meant to be elegant were no longer elegant; what had been considered vulgar were made even more vulgar. Modern Chinese painting is still caught in a downward spiral, a dilemma at best. A Wen and some of his fellow artists are bent on breaking the mold. They want to find their individual identities; they want to be different; they want to create new imageries and new styles that they can proudly call their own and in keeping with the modern times. Meanwhile, they continue to be inspired by the elegance of the past.评 析:今年的考题是一篇散文,主题是中国画的过去和现在。文字挥洒自如,极具中文特色,这也是翻译上最大的难点。在翻译上,我们可以从文章含义的传达和文字风格的再现两个角度去突破。而且,由于不是每个人都有极高的文字能力,所以重点,尤其是在考场的闭卷环境下,是准确、全面地传达原文含义。追求文字漂亮是要看各自的能力,有当然很好,没有也属于正常。第一,达意。整篇文章分为两段,第一段主要讨论传统的,或者说过去的中国画的特点,简而言之,就是百花齐放百家争鸣。第二段则是讲后人,也就是现在的画家,一味的模仿古人,没有自己的特色,导致画作千人一面。之后是一个转折,提出了一个名叫阿文的画家,是跳脱出模仿的怪圈,建立起自己的风格的一个典型。简单地说,全文从含义上可以总结为三个字:新-旧-新。在翻译时,我们只要严守这条主线,基本上就能完成任务。
