

<< 返回考试心得 2010-01-24来源:口译
北京外国语大学2010年翻译硕士试题回顾 :二外法语: 虽然名称是翻译硕士法语,但和以往的二外法语试题没有区别,题型完全一样,难度也保持了高度的一

二外法语:  虽然名称是翻译硕士法语,但和以往的二外法语试题没有区别,题型完全一样,难度也保持了高度的一致。  感觉今年的阅读要稍比去年难。法译中讲的是中国的短消息文化,似比去年稍简单些。






5. 法语比英语要难些,但这两门语言在语法和词汇方面都有相似之处。


词语英译中:  NASA   FBI   UNESCO   CCTV(不是中国中央电视台)   IAEA   FDI   Diet of Japan   The Tories   The Treasury Department of the U.S.   The State Department in the Washington   Balance of Payments   词语中译英:  港人治港  全面建设小康社会  中国特色社会主义  构建两岸关系和平发展的框架  祸从口入  知足常乐  水火无情  一蹶不振

段落英翻中:分成两段,一段讲的是故意杀人和过失杀人。涉及法律术语如manslaughter, English law、expert witness等。根据记忆在网上找到了原文:  Acting recently as an expert witness in a murder trial, I became aware of a small legal problem caused by the increasingly multicultural nature of our society. According to English law, a man is guilty of murder if he kills someone with the intention either to kill or to injure seriously. But he is guilty of the lesser crime of manslaughter if he has been sufficiently provoked or if his state of mind at the time was abnormal enough to reduce his responsibility. The legal test here is a comparison with the supposedly ordinary man—the man on the Clapham omnibus, as the legal cliché has it. Would that ordinary person feel provoked under similar circumstances? Was the accused's state of mind at the time of the killing very different from that of an average man?   另一段讲的是瓶装水风靡美国的话题。开头第一句就不好翻。根据记忆在网上找到了原文:  Sparkling or still? Spring or tap? Imported or domestic? Flavored or plain? There’s nothing simple about a drink of water, now that the bottled stuff outsells both milk and beer in the United States. In just a couple of decades, we’ve become a nation awash in bottled water — with tens of billions of plastic empties to prove it — transforming the drinking fountain on a city street into a dated curiosity akin to the public telephone booth.   How one of life’s basic necessities became a heavily marketed beverage in a plastic bottle is the subject of Elizabeth Royte’s new book “Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.” Royte, an environmental journalist based in Brooklyn, N.Y., shares the many, sometimes bizarre, unintended consequences of cracking open that plastic seal.   段落中翻英只有一段,讲的是陕西榆林红石峡,题材为散文,符合北外一贯风格。

汉语写作和百科知识:百科知识的考察个人觉得很难。很多都没有答出来,虽然也准备了不少相关内容。能想得起来的:鲧  弗洛伊德  地球日  地球村  川端康成的三部代表作  三一律  杜甫的三吏  金文  欧盟  佛教四大名山  中国四大发明  四大文明古国  两河流域  古希腊三大悲剧诗人  明清之际三大思想家  应用文部分考察的是广告说明文写作。选择自己最熟悉的一件商品,以商家身份对其进行介绍。
