2) It'll Teach You What to Look for in a Cofounder
In Paul Graham's essay on why startups fail, he states that,
“Fights between founders are surprisingly common. About 20% of the startups we've funded have had a founder leave. It happens so often that we've reversed our attitude to vesting.”
If you and a potential cofounder are really serious about creating a business together, get started now. Even if you're not working on your master idea, start doing something that is high stress, requires long hours, and tests your dedication. It's not uncommon to hear of two friends who spend a lot of time on planning out the perfect idea, but break up soon after they actually start.
Particletree was the perfect testing ground for us because it was originally a low risk project that tested how well we worked with one another. Don't get me wrong, we've always taken Particletree seriously, but the servers could have easily been turned off without affecting too many people if our personalities clashed. The three of us were all good friends before going into business, but friends don't always make the best of business partners.
在Paul Graham的短文《创业为何失败》(Why Startups Fail)中,他说:
如果你和你的伙伴是非常认真的想干一番事业,那就开始干吧。即使不以你的想法为中心,即使压力重重,即使需要很长时间,即使会考验你的奉献精神…… 两个朋友耗费多时精心筹划了一个完美的想法,却在开始创业后分道扬镳——这种事情并不少见。(因此应该尽早的开始创业,期间考察创业伙伴,以避免这种情况。)