

<< 返回模拟练习 2012-10-23来源:口译
Passage 6.浦东开放的十年中一直是外商投资的热点。// 来自发达国家的企业家以多种方式投资浦东:合资、独资、合作,获得了巨大成功。// 但也有许多在中国内地和其它沿海城市


Passage 5

中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰实,廉价劳动力充裕,税收低,消费者市场不断增长,基础设施不断改善。// 另外,中国还有稳定的社会政治环境以及诱人的投资政策。// 所有这一切对拥有充足奖金、先进技术和管理知识的外国投资者来说都极具吸引力。// 事实上,同与中国公司做生意相比,在华直接投资的经济回报率更高。//

Passage 6

浦东开放的十年中一直是外商投资的热点。// 来自发达国家的企业家以多种方式投资浦东:合资、独资、合作,获得了巨大成功。// 但也有许多在中国内地和其它沿海城市进行投资而获得成功的例子。// 在当今的中国,很难说哪一个地方为最佳,也许应该说在某一时期的某一地点投资会比较好。//

Passage 7

I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture cordless phones and mobile phones.// The whole idea of my investment proposal is the direct result of your wonderful lecture.// Your answers were direct and honest. And your explanations were sincere and persuasive.// I really can’t wait to get on China’s economic express train and share your economic gains.//

Passage 8

I did a lot of research in the market of telecommunication equipment lately.// There’s a potential market for cordless and mobile phones in China and the world as a whole.// Initially, I would like to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale.// My suggestion for the amount of total capital investment is in the vicinity of eight million US dollars, a lucky number in China.//

