Fifth, promote common prosperity through development. In the final analysis, the most serious bottleneck in world economic development is the inability of developing countries to achieve full development. As a result, growth in effective global demand has not kept pace with the growth in productivity. For years, there has been an imbalance between developed and developing countries in terms of access to resources, wealth distribution and development opportunities. This has created a vicious circle where underdevelopment leads to backwardness and backwardness hinders development, thus hampering sustained and steady growth of the global economy. To speed up economic and social development in developing countries is a UN Millennium Development Goal, and it is the only way leading to global prosperity. The international community should come up with new thinking and adopt new policies in this regard. The G20 Seoul Development Consensus for Shared Growth and the Multi-Year Action Plan are important to our efforts to narrow the development gap and promote common growth. We should further unleash the development potential of emerging markets and developing countries and boost the economic growth of developing countries in order to stimulate aggregate global demand. We should continue to increase the voice of emerging markets and developing countries in global economic governance and create an enabling institutional environment for their development, as called for by the changing global economic landscape. We should build a more equal and balanced global partnership for development, strengthen the North-South dialogue and South-South cooperation, intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development, and support the UN and its specialized agencies in continuing to play an important role in development. As a developing country, China stands ready to promote mutual assistance with other developing countries and will work with them to advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world.
Dear Colleagues, Food security, infrastructure, and tariff-free and quota-free treatment to the least developed countries have been the focus of the G20 consultations on development this year. They are also the key areas in which China has been helping other developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation.
各位同事! 今年以来,二十国集团在发展领域重点讨论了粮食安全、基础设施以及向最不发达国家提供免关税、免配额待遇等问题。这些都是中国在南南合作框架内帮助其他发展 中国家的重点领域。
Regarding food security, China had, by the end of 2010, provided 4.3 billion yuan in food aid through bilateral channels. To help African countries cope with the severe drought and food crisis, China has announced 533.2 million yuan in emergency food aid to the affected countries. In the field of infrastructure, China had, by the end of 2010, completed 632 infrastructure projects in other developing countries. Between 2010 and 2012, China will provide 10 billion U.S. dollars in lending of a preferential nature to Africa, the bulk of which will go to infrastructural development. Between 2011 and 2015, China will build 200 infrastructural projects in clean energy and environmental protection in other developing countries.
在粮食安全领域,截至2010年底,中国通过双边渠道累计提供粮食援助共计约43亿元人民币。为帮助非洲国家应对罕见的干旱灾害和粮食 危机,中国已宣布向有关国家提供总计5.332亿元人民币的紧急粮援。在基础设施领域,截至2010年底,中国共帮助发展中国家建设基础设施项目632 个。2010至2012年间将向非洲提供100亿美元的优惠性质贷款,主要用于基础设施建设。2011至2015年间将为发展中国家援建200个清洁能源和环保等基础设施项目。
China has taken various measures, including tariff reduction and exemption, to create conditions for other developing countries to increase exports to China. To further help the least developed countries in their development endeavor, China will, in the context of South-South cooperation, give zero-tariff treatment to 97 percent of the tariff items of exports to China from the least developed countries having diplomatic ties with China. We hope that this move will also help achieve the development goals of the Doha Round at an early date.
This year marks the tenth anniversary of China's accession to the WTO. In the past ten years, China's economy has made significant advance and its contribution to world economic growth has been growing. China's average tariff level has dropped from 15.3 percent to 9.8 percent, which is lower than the WTO requirement for developing countries. Its total imports in this period have reached 8.5 trillion U.S. dollars, creating a huge market for other countries. Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, China has actively responded to domestic and external challenges to maintain strong growth at home, and add momentum to economic recovery both in the region and globally. At the same time, China has substantially increased its financial contribution to international financial institutions, extended a helping hand to other developing countries, increased bond purchase from developed countries and played its part in assisting the economic and social development of relevant countries and stabilizing the international economic and financial situation. In the coming five years, China's imports are expected to exceed 8 trillion U.S. dollars, which will be a major contribution of China to the global economy.
今年是中国加入世贸组织10周年。10年来,中国经济发展实现了新的跨越,对世界经济增长的贡献日益增大。10年来,中国平均关税水平从15.3%降至 9.8%,达到并超过了世贸组织对发展中国家的要求。10年来,中国总计从海外进口达8.5万亿美元,为各国发展提供了广阔市场。特别是国际金融危机发生 以来,一方面,中国积极应对内外各种挑战,努力保持自身经济强劲增长、为地区和世界经济复苏增添动力;另一方面,中国对国际金融机构大幅增资,向发展中国 家伸出援手,从发达国家增购债券,为促进有关国家经济社会发展、稳定国际经济金融形势作出了贡献。今后5年中国进口总规模有望超过8万亿美元,这将是中国 对世界经济的重大贡献。