尊敬的诸立力先生: Sir John Boyd, Mr Victor Chu,很高兴出席亚洲之家为诸立力先生荣获“全球经济奖”举行的庆祝招待会。
Today we are gathered here to congratulate Victor Chu on winning the 2011 Global Economy Prize of the Kiel Institute.诸立力先生的名字在汉语里发音是叠音-"DOUBLE Li”,即"双Li" 。由此我想谈一下另外几对与诸先生有关的“双”。
For those of you who can speak mandarin, you may find that the pronunciation of Victor's full name is quite different in mandarin as in Cantonese. Instead of Lap Lik Chu in Cantonese, we call him Li Li Zhu in mandarin, which repeats the word of Li. So he is "Double Li". This reminded me of other things associated with "doubles" that I would like to share with you.首先,我要以“双重身份”祝贺诸立力先生获得基尔世界经济研究所颁发的“全球经济奖”。第一个身份是官方身份,作为中国驻英大使,我要祝贺他成为第一个获此殊荣的中国人,他是中国的骄傲;第二个身份是非官方身份,作为诸先生的朋友,我已经记不得曾经多少次与他聚首畅谈,他的卓识使每次交谈都令我受益匪浅。
Firstly, I am here today wearing double hats. I am first of all the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, and I am particularly proud that Mr Chu has become the first Chinese to win this prize. I am also here as a friend of Victor. I lost count of how many times we have met, but I do remember the interesting, informative and enjoyable conversations we have had each time. I have benefited a lot from his insight and vision.其次,我要祝贺诸先生的“双重成就”。第一个成就,他是一位成功的企业家,他创立的香港第一东方投资集团经过20多年的发展,管理的资产庞大,执业界之牛耳。第二个成就,他是一位出色的社会活动家,他不仅关注金融和投资领域,而且高度重视跨文化和国际交流,努力担当中西方沟通了解的桥梁,不遗余力,矢志不渝。
Secondly, I wish to congratulate Mr Chu on his double achievements. His first achievement is as a successful entrepreneur. The Hong Kong-based First Eastern Investment Group he founded and capably chairs has, in the past two decades and more, developed into one of the leading investment companies in China, managing huge assets worldwide. But let us not forget that Mr Chu is also active in many other areas. He takes a keen interest in inter-cultural and international dialogue and exchanges, working tirelessly to build a pidge of understanding between China and the Western world.第三,我要感谢诸先生为中国经济发展所做的“双重贡献”。第一个贡献,他促进了对华投资。他倡导“中国直接投资”理念,第一东方投资集团在华投资项目高达数百个,帮助了中国企业发展壮大。特别值得一提的是,去年第一东方投资集团又投资1亿美元,参与组建总额达5亿美元的“中英基金”,专门支持英国的中小企业,帮助它们进入迅猛发展的中国市场。第二个贡献,他为中国的对外开放做出了许多积极努力。他成功推动中国国有企业在香港上市,促进了中国资本市场的成熟发展;他积极提议夏季达沃斯论坛设在了中国,使世界更加关注中国,同时中国的声音更能被世界听到。
Thirdly, I take this opportunity to thank Mr Chu for his double contributions to the Chinese economy. His first contribution is in the area of promoting investments into China. His First Eastern Investment Group manages hundreds of projects in China to help Chinese businesses grow in strength. What is particularly worth mentioning is a 100 million US dollar investment by First Eastern last year as part of the 500 million US dollar China-UK fund to help British SMEs better explore the fast-growing Chinese market. His second contribution is in the area of greater openness of the Chinese economy. He helped Chinese state-owned enterprises to go public in Hong Kong. This is conducive to the growth of the Chinese capital markets. He actively called for the Summer Davos to be held in China. This initiative has created another platform for dialogue and interaction between China and the world.诸先生荣获“全球经济奖”名至实归。我再次向他表示热烈祝贺。
Let me conclude by saying that as far as I can see, Mr Victor Li Li Chu is a most deserving winner of this prestigious prize. Once again my warm congratulations.谢谢。
Thank you.(责任编辑:admin)