Several of China's leading carmakers are relaunching pands from the past, including Mao Zedong's famous Red Flag limousine, in a bid to capitalise on nostalgia for an era when China made very few cars — but those they made were grand ones.
中国数家领先汽车制造商正重新启用昔日的品牌,包括毛泽东的座驾、著名的“红旗”牌豪华轿车。此举意在利用人们的怀旧之情——当年中国的汽车产量虽然很少,但它生产出来的汽车都很有气派。 But there is scant evidence that Chinese car buyers are hankering for the good old days when state-owned manufacturers made cars named after Beijing, Shanghai or the red flag of communism. 但几乎没有什么证据显示,中国购车族渴望回到“美好的往昔”——那时,国有制造商生产以“北京”、“上海”或代表共产主义的“红旗”为品牌的汽车。 China may be the world's largest car market, but China has yet to build a car industry to be proud of. Foreign carmakers dominate the market, and the local industry is losing market share. 中国也许是全球最大的汽车市场,但中国尚未建立起值得骄傲的汽车产业。外国汽车制造商主导着中国市场,本土汽车产业正失去市场份额。 Chinese manufacturers are hoping to reverse that trend by unveiling a range of bigger, glitzier, sportier and more innovative models at the Beijing motor show, which opens today. 中国制造商希望扭转这一趋势。在今日开幕的北京汽车展上,它们将发布一系列更大、更亮丽、更具运动感、更加创新的车型。 Analysts say it could be a critical moment for the Chinese industry, which has less than 30 per cent of the local market. 分析师们表示,对占本土市场份额不到30%的中国汽车业来说,这可能是一个关键时刻。 Three decades after Beijing set out to build a world class car industry — signing landmark jointventure agreements with Volkswagen and General Motors to partner state-owned manufacturers — pands owned by Volkswagen and GM still dominate, while Chinese pands remain stuck in the hyper-competitive low end of the market. 30年前,北京方面开始打造世界级的汽车产业,中国国有制造商与大众汽车(VW)和通用汽车(GM)签署了里程碑式的合资协议。今天,大众和通用旗下的品牌仍占据中国市场主导地位,而中国品牌仍徘徊在竞争极其激烈的低端市场。 In general, foreign-panded cars are seen as more reliable, more stylish, more impressive and better value for money than Chinese-panded models, which continue to compete almost entirely on price. 总体来说,与中国品牌的车型相比,外国品牌的汽车被视为更可靠、造型更时尚、更令人印象深刻,也更加物有所值。中国品牌仍几乎完全靠价格竞争。 In the past year, Beijing has taken several steps to reverse the decline, banning most official fleet purchases of foreign pands and forcing overseas makers like GM and VW to develop indigenous pands with their joint venture partners in a bid to ensure a more rapid transfer of -technology. 过去一年里,北京方面已采取多个步骤扭转本土品牌的颓势,包括禁止大多数公车采购选择外国品牌,并迫使通用和大众等海外制造商与各自的中方合资伙伴一起研发自主品牌,以求实现更快的技术转移。 Nissan will launch Venucia, its own pand with joint venture partner Dongfeng Motors, at the Beijing auto show, for example. But most industry analysts say those measures are likely to provide only a small boost to local carmakers' market share — or could depress it even -further. 例如,日产(Nissan)将在北京汽车展上发布其与中方合资伙伴东风汽车(Dongfeng Motors)联合研发的自主品牌启辰(Venucia)。但是,多数分析师表示,此类措施很可能只会小幅提升本土汽车制造商的市场份额,甚至还有可能进一步压低它们的份额。 Klaus Paur, car industry analyst at Ipsos in Shanghai, says: "In the past few years we have seen a dramatic loss of market share for Chinese panded vehicles, while international carmakers have done a very good job of penetrating the lower end of the market." 益普索(Ipsos)驻上海的汽车业分析师包亦农(Klaus Paur)表示:“过去几年里,我们看到中国品牌汽车的市场份额大幅下降,而海外汽车制造商在打入低端市场方面做得很出色。” "Sometimes international car manufacturers understand Chinese consumers better than Chinese manufacturers do," he adds.“ 有时候海外汽车制造商比中国同行更加了解中国消费者,”他补充说。(责任编辑:admin)