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朝鲜全力筹备金日正葬礼 North Korea Prepares For Kim Funeral 朝鲜正在准备已故领导人金正日星期三的葬礼。与此同时,全世界正在关注这个行迹隐秘、拥有核武器的国家未来实权人物的蛛丝


  North Korea Prepares For Kim Funeral

  朝鲜正在准备已故领导人金正日星期三的葬礼。与此同时,全世界正在关注这个行迹隐秘、拥有核武器的国家未来实权人物的蛛丝马迹。平壤国营媒体迄今没有公布葬礼的任何细节。朝鲜禁止外国人参加葬礼。但是分析人士预计,金正日的葬礼会类似于他的父亲、朝鲜开国领导人金日成的葬礼,即强调他统治的丰功伟 绩,并加强对他世袭接班人的忠诚。

   朝鲜官方媒体继续确立新领导人金正恩的领导权威。星期一,朝鲜媒体宣布他被任命为朝鲜劳动党的最高领 导人。这位年轻的领导人星期一在平壤会见了一个由韩国知名人士组成的民间代表团。这是朝鲜上星期宣布金正日去世后,金正恩首次会见外国访客。其他国家的政府正在密切关注平壤的事态,因为年轻的金正恩执掌这个有核项目、庞大军队和对邻国长期怀有强烈敌意的国家使外界感到担忧。

  North Korea is preparing its ceremonial farewell Wednesday to late leader Kim Jong Il, as the world watches for clues to future power pokers in the secretive, nuclear-armed nation. Pyongyang’s state media have, so far, given no details of the planned event, and foreigners are barred. But analysts expect the ceremony to be similar to that of Mr. Kim’s father and founding president Kim Il Sung, which highlighted the hallmarks of his rule and strengthened loyalty to his dynastic successor.

  North Korean official media continued to establish newly-anointed leader Kim Jong Un’s leadership credentials, announcing Monday that Mr. Kim had been appointed to the top post in the Communist Party. The young leader met Monday in Pyongyang with a private delegation of prominent South Koreans, in his first public encounter with foreign visitors since the death of his father was announced last week. Foreign governments are watching events in Pyongyang closely because of concerns over the young Mr. Kim’s rise in a country with a nuclear program, a large army and a history of deep animosity towards its neighbors.
