Tens of thousands of people in Cairo's Tahrir Square erupted in feverish celepation as a leader of Egypt's long-outlawed Muslim Brotherhood defied pundits, opinion polls and the full punt of the former regime's networks to become the nation's first democratically elected president.
埃及穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)的领导人穆罕默德 穆尔西(Mohamed Morsi)出乎专家和民调的意料之外,冲破前政权势力的全面打击,成为该国首位民主选举的总统。开罗解放广场(Tahrir Square)上的数万民众兴奋地展开了庆祝活动。 A week after Egypt's first democratic presidential election and amid heightened anxiety over the conduct of the poll, Mohamed Morsi was on Sunday declared the country's first civilian leader after decades of rule by military men. Mr Morsi, 60, defeated Ahmed Shafiq, the ex-air force commander and official in Hosni Mubarak's regime, with 52 per cent of the vote, poll officials said. 在埃及首次进行民主的总统选举一周后,人们对选举中的行为日益感到担忧之际,周日穆尔西被宣布为该国在几十年军人执政后的首位非军人领导人。选举官员们表示,现年60岁的穆尔西获得52%的选票,击败了艾哈迈德 沙菲克(Ahmed Shafiq)。沙菲克曾在胡斯尼 穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)政府担任空军司令和其它职务。 The elevation of an Islamist to the highest post in the Arab world's most populous and historically influential nation marks a milestone in the region where demands for political change were ignited 18 months ago by the self-immolation of a fruit vendor in Tunisia. 一位伊斯兰教徒在阿拉伯世界人口最多、历史上最具影响力的国家成为最高领导人,是这个地区的里程碑式事件。18个月前,突尼斯一位水果商贩的自焚激发了阿拉伯地区要求政治变革的呼声。 "Morsi! Morsi!" his supporters chanted inside his campaign headquarters, directly across the street from the same interior ministry in which many Islamists had been jailed and tortured. "The blood of the martyrs shall not be spilt in vain!" they cried. 穆尔西的支持者在其选举总部反复高喊:"穆尔西!穆尔西!",街道对面就是曾经囚禁许多伊斯兰教徒的内政部。支持者们喊道:"烈士们的鲜血不会白流。 "Islamist parties have won Tunisia and Morocco and are poised to do well in July 7 parliamentary elections in Libya, imposing a political order that western governments are still learning to adapt to. 伊斯兰政党在突尼斯和摩洛哥赢得了选举,而且极有可能在利比亚7月7日的议会选举中表现不错,西方国家的政府仍在学着适应这样的政治秩序。 Although nervous about the empowerment of Islamists, many governments around the world quickly offered their congratulations and appeared relieved that the military council that has ruled Egypt since the ousting of Mr Mubarak did not tamper with the result. 尽管对伊斯兰教徒赢得选举感到不安,但许多国家的政府仍迅速表示了祝贺,并对自穆巴拉克下台以来统治埃及的军事委员会没有干预选举结果感到欣慰。 The US congratulated Mr Morsi but urged him to "advance national unity". Israel said that it appreciated the democratic process in Egypt and "respects its outcome". 美国对穆尔西表示了祝贺,但敦促他"推进国家团结"。以色列表示,它欣赏埃及的民主进程,并"尊重其结果"。 Egyptian stocks rose the most in more than four months before the announcement. 选举结果宣布之前,埃及股市大幅飙升,创出4个多月来的最大涨幅。(责任编辑:admin)