

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-09-14来源:口译
抗病转基因小麦 transgenic wheat of disease resistance 科技人员 scientists and engineers 科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents 科学技术是第一生产力 Science

  抗病转基因小麦 transgenic wheat of disease resistance

  科技人员 scientists and engineers

  科技中介服务机构 science and technology service agents

  科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology is the primary productive force.

  科学技术体制改革 the reform of science and technology management system

  科研成果商品化 effect commercialization of research findings

  克隆动植物 cloning animals and plants

  利用国际风险资金开办企业 invest in a start-up business with international venture capital

  两系法杂交水稻 bilinear hybrid rice

  量力而行,有选择地发展高技术develop high technologies on a selective basis with limited goals in accordance with our own capabilities

  论证 feasibility demonstration; peer review

  纳米材料 nano materials

  纳米技术 nano technology

  纳米芯片 nano chips

  配合《211工程》 support the 211 Project

  企业研发中心 corporate centers

  侵权产品 infringing products

  侵权行为 infringing act

  倾斜政策 preferential policy / policy in favor of

  染色体 chromosome

  人类基因组计划 The Human Genome Project

  人类基因组序列“工作框架图” working frame map of the human genome

  擅自使用 unauthorized use of ...

  商标专用权 right to exclusive use of trademark(s)
