

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-18来源:口译
在处理中美经贸关系时,我们应该牢记: In managing our economic and trade relations, we have to keep a couple of things in mind. 第一,中美经贸关系本质上是互利的,不是


  In managing our economic and trade relations, we have to keep a couple of things in mind.


  First, our economic relationship is mutually beneficial in nature. Our two economies are very much interdependent, and the interdependence is still growing. So it is no zero-sum game. Trade war is not an option. Currency war is not an option. Unilateral protectionism is not an option neither. Of course, there will be some competition between us. This is always the case. But such competition should make both of us better and stronger. It should not exclude cooperation. It should not aim at eliminating competitors, because without competitors, one loses its own competitiveness.


  Second, China and the U.S. do have a shared responsibility for the world. We are the No.1 and No.2 biggest economies in the world. The strength and sustainability of our economies will affect the growth prospect of the global economy, and how we manage our economic relations will have a major impact on the evolution and effectiveness of the global economic governance. Especially in today’s world where there are growing uncertainties and pressing needs for economic restructuring, China and the U.S. should work together, make all the right choices and show the way forward to the world.


  It is a choice between openness and isolation. China stands for openness, because openness enables innovation, leads to new opportunities and creates new life for the world economy.


  It is a choice between connectivity and separation. China stands for connectivity, as manifested in the Belt and Road Initiative. This connectivity is not only about linking our infrastructure, roads and bridges, but also about policy, trade, financial flows and people-to-people exchanges. This connectivity will make it possible for us to build stronger bonds among nations, and join hands to respond to growing global challenges that transcend national boundaries. The Silk Road in history did have a geographical scope, but the Belt and Road Initiative is open to all. We very much welcome increased participation of the U.S. Let’s make another joint venture between us.


  It is also a choice between win-win and zero-sum game. China stands for the win-win approach. We have to address the imbalances and disparities both within and between nations. We should adapt to the new realities, guide the economic globalization, cushion its negative impact and deliver its benefits to all countries and all nations.
